Addison's 13th birthday 8/31/24

in The Porch
I'm taking a leap of faith here, 8/31 is our daughter Addison's 13th birthday and to celebrate we are taking her to he first Pearl Jam show we will be in section 217 row 8. Addison is our oldest and we went through a lot of challenges to bring her into this world...and every day has been amazing since she has been here. We don't have a ton in common in terms of music but she has always enjoyed Pearl Jam which makes for a good compromise while driving carpool. Addison is an absolutely amazing child finding her way through the twists and turns of adolescences and as we sit and listen to songs I can remember how I felt as a teen listening to TEN and how the songs were the soundtrack of so much of my as a parent the songs have taken on a new meaning. Addison is looking forward to the show and if by any chance the band sees this....she would love to hear Daughter's a favorite
Thanks and keep making an impact
Thanks and keep making an impact