Upcoming Chicago Shows - A Tribute

I wanted to take a moment to share a personal story with you as I prepare to attend both the Thursday and Saturday shows at Wrigley Field in Chicago this weekend. My cousin, Matt VanMoorleghem, was a huge Pearl Jam fan, and I believe his story is one worth telling.

On September 17, 2021, Matt was returning home from Riot Fest after seeing one of his favorite bands, The Smashing Pumpkins. It was late, around 11:30 p.m., and the train platforms were packed with concertgoers. Matt lived in Lincoln Park, and despite several trains passing by, he and the other people at the Kedzie Station struggled to get on due to the crowds. As he made one final attempt to board, Matt, unfortunately, fell from the edge of the platform, hit his head on the third rail, and died instantly.

After speaking with witnesses, our family believes that it was a tragic misstep on a crowded platform. We heard every harrowing detail of what happened that night, including the pain of strangers who witnessed it. The next morning, when we got the call, it was a “fall to your knees” moment that changed all of our lives forever. Since then, we have been learning how to live without Matt, who was more than a cousin—he was a brother and best friend.

I share Matt’s story for a few reasons. First, I want to raise awareness that this kind of tragedy happens more often than we realize in Chicago. I hope others will take extra care to prevent something like this from happening to them or their loved ones. Second, Matt was a devoted Pearl Jam fan. Every time Pearl Jam performed at Wrigley, Matt was with us, the last being in 2019. The last time I saw Pearl Jam live, Matt was a part of it. Five years later, he is not. It’s something I still struggle to wrap my mind around.

This September 17th marks three years since Matt passed. At his wake, we played a video montage of his life, which included the songs "Release" and "Just Breathe." The lyrics, “I wait up in the dark for you to speak to me” from "Release," and “Meet you on the other side” from "Just Breathe," resonate deeply with me. Being in Chicago without Matt, attending these Pearl Jam shows without him, and hearing the songs he loved so much will be an emotional experience. But I am ready to walk through it, knowing I’ll come out on the other side with a smile—smiling at the memories, at the chance to see Pearl Jam again at Wrigley, and at the thought of being in the pit with Matt's brother Michael, my sister Molly, and her husband Josh (who has seen Pearl Jam 30 times!).

Thank you to Pearl Jam for being such a meaningful part of our lives, for bringing joy to Matt, and for inspiring him with your music. Thank you for loving your fans and being advocates for all human beings. You mean so much to so many of us.

With gratitude,

Mikaela VanMoorleghem

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