My Philly 2 Row 1 Floor, for your GA
NJ Posts: 1,143
Hello! I have great seats for Philly night 2 (9/9) Section 2 Row 1. These are middle of center section, first row behind GA! I’m looking to trade them for GA to either Philly or good seats/GA for NYC. Hit me up if you have a trade you would like to propose. Great trade for the older, pregnant, or bad knee PJ Fans looking for a seat! 🤣
can you feel this world with your heart and not your brain?
Have- 9/9 Philly 2, section 2 row 1 pair
Have 9/9 Philly 2, section 109 row 12 pair
Boston 1 Turf B6 ( close to B5 side) row 10.