Not that I'm planning on doing so...

casper leblanccasper leblanc Posts: 1,246
edited 2003 17 in Musicians and Gearheads
but would it be safe to buy a guitar on Ebay, especially as a European? I've been checking that site out a lot recently and have seen real beauties at amazing prices! A lot of guitars just can't be found in Belgium or you pay a fortune for them (cause of the rareness). Because of the shipment costs, any American guitar is a lot more expensive here also.

I've been checking out Schecters and other Tele's and they are so cheap on Ebay, new or used, compared to prices in Belgium.

there's a Belgian version of Ebay as well, but not much guitars there. Has anyone ever purchased a guitar through Ebay? And how was it?
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  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    i haven't. i'm generally scared of ebay.

    just check the seller's feedback and write them and make sure that shipping is insured etc. etc. and get a guarantee that if the guitar isn't in the condition they say it is, that you'll get your cash back.
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    it's as safe as buying any other item off Ebay but keep in mind the Shipping, It might be cheaper to go to France or Germany or England and buy one but most American stuff is really expensive.

    Shipping and handling are most important. The shipping of the guitar can't be in a box it must be in an ATA aproved flight case and then pakaged in cardboard. 747's use baggage and cargo compresses that can crack a neck like a twig so be sure they would ship it right and find out how much it would cost perhaps before bidding.

    Ebay is a good spot to find a guitar cheap but remember the shipping and also consider that you may need to get the guitar set up correctly upon arrival.

    there are a lot of scams on ebay as well.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • casper leblanccasper leblanc Posts: 1,246
    Now see, that's why I never bought ANYTHING of of Ebay and probably never will. Like Exhausted, I'm scared of Ebay. Thanks for the comments guys.

  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    there's always a risk in anything but if you can get the assurances you need and the seller is good to deal with, it might be worth to get your hands on something you otherwise wouldn't be able to.
  • casper leblanccasper leblanc Posts: 1,246
    I'd rather go on a trip to the US someday and just buy a guitar there, on the spot, playing it first and all. That's my gameplan.

    Now excuse me, while I go drule a bit on Ebay :)
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    If you come to Atlanta, you can stay at my place and I'll take you around the various guitar shops in Atlanta.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • casper leblanccasper leblanc Posts: 1,246
    Originally posted by Pacomc79
    If you come to Atlanta, you can stay at my place and I'll take you around the various guitar shops in Atlanta.

    Sweet! Not that it's gonna happen next week or any time soon, but in a year or so I would like to take you up on that offer. If anyone here's coming to Belgium any time soon, let me know :)
  • GlaswegianGlaswegian Posts: 62
    I love ebay. I've never thought of buying a guitar on it, but that's mainly because I couldn't afford to. I spend hours every day looking through the effects pedals. I've bought a couple on ebay and wasn't dissapointed with either - well actually I bought a Boss Ph-2 and really don't like the sound but that wasn't the sellers fault.
    scottish by birth, british by law and 'weegie by the grace of god...!!!!! FUCK THE QUEEN!!!
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