Calling all Jammers... Copy Echo Victor... Where is Backspacer?

CA49120CA49120 Posts: 6
Greetings from Down Under. I'll try to keep this short but I hope to create a momentum of discussion so that the band hears it. 
1. Love this band. They are part of my DNA since 1991 when I was 20 years old and like you all, I love, respect and worship them. 
2. I love the new album. It's grown on me and it fucking rocks. It most certainly deserves our respect, gratitude and appreciation. 
3. I love the energy the band has at the moment playing live. They seem inspired, energized and happy, the live energy is contagious. Thank you!
4. I was mortally wounded when no Perth show was announced re the "Australian" tour. To the band, please reconsider a Perth date. We have a marvellous new stadium, and a marvellous Arena you have never played at. PLEASE consider adding a Perth show (or shows). It seems criminal, unjust and just downright unfair that you come all this way and deny us a show or two. I'm sure the fans in Adelaide would agree as well.
5. I go over the current setlists with a fine tooth comb, I watch the shows on YouTube, and I buy a couple of bootlegs every tour, and I'm seriously missing some great tracks from some neglected albums. I wanna hear "Gonna See My Friend", "Save You" (ok, you have played that once), "Animal", "Green Disease", "Gone", "Go"... Oh man, the list goes on. It was so fucking awesome to hear the crowd singing the house down during "Off He Goes" in Barcelona. We appreciate everything, every track, every record. Ditch the covers and please play some more obscure album tracks. We will be forever grateful. It won't go unnoticed.

But most of stay healthy, and thank you.

As always, we remain faithful. 

Back to my tree...


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