The Birthday Bros turn TEN in Seattle!

TeeChiTeeChi Posts: 36
Every Pearl Jam fan has their story. I mean, let's face it. This band has an incredible knack for connecting personally with their fans. Our family has many stories, from our first date to our wedding grand march to our first born Lukin... and then came Cogan and Dean. Our rock n roll identical twin preemies took the world by storm 11 weeks early and haven't stopped since.

See, Cogan and Dean had a rough entry into the world. There were complications with Cogan’s umbilical cord that could have been fatal. There were breathing monitors and heart monitors and they lived in incubators in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We spent 46 days in the NICU as so many families do. The NICU, with all the nurses, doctors, and staff members is a very special place. A lot of desperation.  A  lot of fear. A lot of hope. And a lot of love.

We soon became involved with the March of Dimes, an organization that is committed to the health and support of equity in health for all moms and babies, focusing on overcoming barriers and obstacles to the access and education when families experience situations such as ours. 

This last year, Cogan and Dean were chosen as the Ambassadors for the March of Dimes and they worked hard to raise money for the MOD. They ended up raising over $2500 and took home the award for the family and team that raised the most money for the March for Babies!

Cogan and Dean have been singing before they began to talk, and spend their time absorbing as much of the music they can. When we asked them what their dream live show would be, it was always an easy answer. "Pearl Jam in Seattle!" When the tour announcement came, we saw the final show of the first leg in Seattle ON THEIR TENTH BIRTHDAY! After a lot of luck and planning, the next thing you know, this dream birthday is happening. 

We can think of no greater way to celebrate the amazing hope and inspiration "the bros" (as we like to call them) spread each and every day than to rock out with you all as they enter their own version the "Ten Club."

If you ask them what their favorite Pearl Jam songs are, you’ll get many songs from Gigaton and now,  Dark Matter. Ultimately though, their song of choice is “Alive.”  It’s fitting for me as a parent. We often say Cogan and Dean are just happy to be here. On their birthday, we cannot help but hold our breath for what will be an anthem for people everywhere that fight to still be Alive.

If you happen to see these two this evening, please shout out a HAPPY BIRTHDAY COGAN AND DEAN!

And Eddie, Mike, Stone, Jeff, Matt, Boom, and Josh... they sure wouldn't mind hearing it from you too ;)


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