ISO Trade 2 for 1... Noblesville/Indianapolis Tickets

Long story short, last year I bought birthday tickets for my friend and obviously cancelled after we got merch... He cannot go on a Monday because of his job... so I have 2 tickets.  Instead of selling 1 F2F, I was hoping to "trade up" and see if anyone needed an extra ticket...

My seats are in Section D, row Z. 

Would like to just walk in together so there's no real trade other than 2 seats for 1 as I'll be going solo. 

(p.s. - I'll be making another post about wrigley because I was able to get two for N2 at wrigley and it was a surprise for his bday since we didn't get to go to INDY.... and its a saturday... then I realized it's his anniversary weekend... so going to try to solo that one myself also now)... just posting in case someone will be like "likely story dude, we already saw the other post"
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