No matter how cold the winter...

Hi everyone,

First time poster, long time fan. Forgive me if this is in the wrong thread or a repeat!

Looking at the subject header in here about interpreting lyrics, One line from "Thumbing my Way" has taken on a lot of extra meaning for me this last year.

No matter how cold the winter, there's a spring time ahead.

10 months ago I was diagnosed with a very advanced & inoperable non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in my left lung. It's been an incredibly tough time with chemo, surgeries, tests etc, but one constant has always been music. Something I kept coming back to time and time again was the bootlegs of the London Hyde Park shows in 2022 I was lucky to be at. Any time I was feeling awful, I would stick them on and just drift back to happier & healthier times.

I updated my will recently too and when writing it, I wanted to leave a little bit of hope of things getting brighter and better. That's when the line from Thumbing my Way came into my head and I wrote that as the very final line of it.

Things are looking a bit better now and all going well, I will be going to see PJ in Dublin, Manchester & London. I am so looking forward to feeling part of this wonderful community again and sharing these shows with you. The Dublin gig will be a great milestone as it will mark exactly one year from when I was first told I had cancer.

Have their been any songs that have taken on new/different meaning to you when circumstances in your life changed too?

Thanks for reading.
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