Any decent ss practice amp?

So I'm moving out in a couple of months and the Hiwatt is going to migrate to the practice space b/c it's too loud. Now i'm looking for one of those 10/15 watt solid state practice amps, to use in the new room and I was wondering if there's one that stands out. Although I have heard rumours that all those amps are practically the same, built in the same factory but with different covers. Anyone care to shed a light upon this?
"Until you realize the importance of the banana king, you will know absolutely nothing about the human-interest things of the world."
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What he said.
Like this?
That actually looks pretty cool.
I recommended the Roland because I've heard them before, and was actually pretty impressed. The battery-powered one is nice because you can take it to picnics, campouts, etc.
There's always this route:
And my personal favorite:
And if all else fails, find yerself an old Fender Champ or (ha! I said it!) Vibro Champ.
Seems I gotta take a day off and test the suggestions here... again, thanks for all the input.
Well, trying before buying is always a wise decision, says grasshopper.
The only thing I know about Orange Crush amps are that they're made in Korea. The fact that they're for a British company might help the exchange rate, though...
Check here and read about 'em all:
Now, I own a Pignose, and it's a trip. It's not versatile at all, it only has a single volume knob. That's it. However... that volume knob will get some really cool nasty transistor distortion. You can get some versatile sounds out of it using pickup selection and the guitar's volume and tone controls. It also can be used as a preamp for a bigger amp, so you can use it as a defacto overdrive/distortion unit (a popular option back in the early 70's).
The coolest feature, besides it's battery-portability, is that it has two strap buttons, so you can strap the amp on, then strap on your guitar, and plug them in... and walk around jamming! Okay, so it's kinda lame... but I think it's cool.
HOWEVER... I think you'd probably be more suited with something like the MicroCube, which has a lot more toys to use. The Pignose is more a novelty, since it can only do basically one thing... unless that one thing is what you're looking for.
It has all the little modeling and effects. I mean, it ain't a boogie and it ain't a Fender or a Roland jc120, but it gets you close. It's got a little delay and phaser, a decent chorus. It's freakin' easy to use and tiny!
You can set up in a subway station and become a busker!
It's easy on the back, too. It only weighs a few pounds.
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
Thanks, man
Good to see all ya, too.
I bought a big old house and just finished moving in, after being in my other house for 18 years.
Huge pain in the butt, but cool place, now I can't find anything I own. It's in a box SOMEWHERE!
I hope you're all doing great!
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart