Brave Dedicated Lyrical Soul

WW187806WW187806 Long Island, NY Posts: 565
I went to a listening party... so cool the band set this all up. I'll save my comments as I am still trying to realize what I just heard... It was certainly greatness. @Kat and @Sea or maybe even @demetrios or anybody.... If the band could hear this, I'll keep it concise and in basketball analogy as a teacher/coach. I got this....

Avocado and Yield had a baby.... While Vs. and Gigaton had another baby. Those babies grew up, and with Andrew Watt as the referee they played 1 vs. 1. 

That is the absolute best way I can describe what I heard so far.... one listen, tough to remember details... was distracted during Wreckage so no comment on that one. The only thing in particular I can say is Won't Tell, Upper Hand combo is like a full course meal if you were on Survivor for 2 weeks. 

I DIGRESS... point of this thread, who is the brave dedicated should that is going to try and pen down some of what Ed was saying, there are for sure great hooks, but I couldn't process it all in time to write anything down or really remember. Surreal. PJ Rocks. Not a bad song on the record, dont listen to the haters. Lyric genius come out come out wherever you are!
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