MSG N2 single pit ticket (have), looking for 100 section (need)

Haven't done this before. How do we make the trade?


  • steven87steven87 Posts: 1,562
    PM sent. 
  • bill801bill801 Posts: 9
    Allow me to demonstrate my ignorance: where do I go to read the PM?
  • steven87steven87 Posts: 1,562
    You have a mailbox (on the bottom left corner of your screen if you’re using your phone) where you can see any messages you’ve received. But to make it easier, I’ve copied and pasted the PM I sent you below:

    Hi! I saw your post about looking to trade a single MSG N2 pit ticket for a 100 level ticket. I have a great 100 level seat in the 10th row, side stage, Mike’s side (Section 115, row 13; row 13 is actually the 10th row in the section) that I would be willing to trade for a pit ticket. Let me know if you’re interested in making a trade. Thanks!
  • bill801bill801 Posts: 9
    Sorry, I've been away for a few days. And sorry that I'm inept regarding navigating this site. I very much want to make the trade, as you were the first to reply. It would be much easier to communicate via my email:
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