
ISO Section 210 Night 2 MSG - Around Row 21 FT Section 211

AB285441AB285441 Posts: 120
edited February 23 in Given To Fly (live)
I am looking to trade my section 211 MSG N2 for a Section 210 - have a few friends going with me MSG N2 and would be awesome if someone is willing to trade a single 210 for a single 211 so my friend can be in same section
Post edited by AB285441 on


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    AB285441AB285441 Posts: 120
    Edited my original post as I mixed up the seats. 

    Seeking Section 210 single ticket N2 for trade or to purchase outright on or around row 21 Seats 1-4, or within proximity of this.  Trade would be for a for Section 211 Row 20. 

    Thank you so much in advance if you are willing to make this happen.
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