Looking to trade my spare MSG night 2 P2 for your spare night 1 P2

kmcmanuskmcmanus Posts: 772
edited February 20 in Given To Fly (live)
EDIT: found one! Thanks for looking!

Hi everyone! I’m Kyle and I have a pair of P2’s for Wed 9/4 but I will be going solo to the show. Do you have similar plans but with N1 P2’s? Let’s trade spares! Hit me up! Thanks!
Post edited by kmcmanus on


  • AG280962AG280962 Posts: 66
    Sent you a PM 
  • hi there...i thought i'd add to this thread as well...i do not want to take it over tho  :)
    im also looking to trade my extra night 2 MSG P2 for a similar ticket for night one MSG P2(sept 3rd)
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