Thoughts on the elimination of priority

steven87steven87 Posts: 1,583
Curious if anyone has any thoughts on how the lottery will work now that they’ve eliminated priority. I’m assuming it means that each show is now a completely independent draw- they simply randomly draw names and then give you tickets based on what’s available at the time your name is drawn (GA, P1, P2, etc.). If this is truly how it works, since it’s totally random, someone who puts in for 15 shows could get drawn for all 15 (and even get GA for all 15), while someone who puts in for only a single show could get shut out entirely. Another way they could do it instead of a show-by-show lottery, is a member-by-member lottery- they could theoretically throw all of the names of the members who requested tickets into one big hat, pick one out, and then award tickets to all or some of the shows they requested depending on what’s still available at the time their name is drawn. I’m assuming the totally randomized show-by-show approach is the way it’ll actually run, but curious if anyone else has any thoughts on this. 
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