Guitar Practice Routines

Hey guys! I am trying to get more in a routine of practicing or being more intentional about it. What does this look like for you guitar players? I try and learn about 1 PJ every few days as they are fun to figure out. But I want to be a well rounded player. I appreciate your thoughts. Thanks!
Alpine Valley Music Theatre East Troy, Wisconsin (September 03, 2011); Alpine Valley Music Theatre East Troy, Wisconsin (September 04, 2011); Deluna Fest Pensacola, FL (September 21, 2012); Wrigley Field (July 19, 2013); Milwaukee, WI (October 20, 2014); Wrigley Field I (August 20, 2016); Wrigley Field II (August 22, 2016); Home Shows Seattle Night 1 (August 08, 2018), Home Shows Seattle Night 2 (August 10, 2018), Apollo Theater (September 10, 2022), Madison Square Garden (September 11, 2022), Bourbon & Beyond Louisville (September 17th, 2022).
That's my routine for the most part. I'm writing a ton these days, so I'll warm up my fingers and voice, then usually dive back where I left off with the songwriting. Hope this helps!
When I'm playing acoustic I warm up with lie in our graves by dmb.
After I warm up I usually attempt to play a song I'm learning or revisit one that I haven't played in awhile.
-smoke some weed, and do whatever for about an hour
-warm your hands and fingers (front and back)
-using your right hand, push your fingers on your left hand backwards 2 fingers at a time, then 3 fingers at a time, going across your hand from one side to another (pinky and ring, pinky/ring/middle, ring/middle, ring/middle/index, middle/index). The goal here is to decouple your fingers from each other, while getting them warmed up and limber
-right-hand exercises with cross-picking with a metronome. I use the exercises linked here, but instead of playing the strings open, I make a G chord shape (sometimes switching it up), and I repeat all of the exercises starting on the different strings. Sometimes I'll use a different chord shape, as you don't want to get your fingers used to doing something exclusively in one position, you want muscle memory developing for the pattern, not the specifics -
-15-20 minutes of free exploration a la Julian Lage's explanation -
-2-3 hours of playing along with tunes on Strum Machine
-Wait for the girlfriend to tell me to shut the fuck up with the bluegrass because it's been four hours
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1