I'm sorry

I’m sorry my days have been so full

I’m sorry to make it seem I don’t care

I do care

School is on

think of a non-stop conveyor belt

It fills my life now

I work all the time during the school year

People who aren’t teachers don’t know

We work every day

We work every night

We work on the weekends

Non-teachers think we work too much

We’re just trying to keep up!

Administrators keep adding more “Student success” initiatives

This means teachers have to absorb more of the responsibility

Teachers have to lift more to keep the weak students from failing

Students miss class and expect us to make it up for them

Students miss class because so many of them have anxiety issues

Depression issues

Sleep issues

Then, they come back “confused”  because the class has moved ahead

So it’s more work for us

I’ve accepted this job and I love the young people 

Yet…you wouldn’t believe all the reasons they claim they can’t turn in homework

You wouldn’t believe all the emails we answer at night

One hundred students can write a lot of emails

Especially if they can't drag themselves out of bed in the morning.

Not to complain

Just to explain

So much work fills my days, these days

I wish I had the time I had years ago

My love for the people I love is greater now than ever

I appreciate long relationships!

Don’t think I don’t care, please

I’m just stretched thin from mid-August to mid May

And, I know it shows



  • justam said:

    I’m sorry my days have been so full

    I’m sorry to make it seem I don’t care

    I do care

    School is on

    think of a non-stop conveyor belt

    It fills my life now

    I work all the time during the school year

    People who aren’t teachers don’t know

    We work every day

    We work every night

    We work on the weekends

    Non-teachers think we work too much

    We’re just trying to keep up!

    Administrators keep adding more “Student success” initiatives

    This means teachers have to absorb more of the responsibility

    Teachers have to lift more to keep the weak students from failing

    Students miss class and expect us to make it up for them

    Students miss class because so many of them have anxiety issues

    Depression issues

    Sleep issues

    Then, they come back “confused”  because the class has moved ahead

    So it’s more work for us

    I’ve accepted this job and I love the young people 

    Yet…you wouldn’t believe all the reasons they claim they can’t turn in homework

    You wouldn’t believe all the emails we answer at night

    One hundred students can write a lot of emails

    Especially if they can't drag themselves out of bed in the morning.

    Not to complain

    Just to explain

    So much work fills my days, these days

    I wish I had the time I had years ago

    My love for the people I love is greater now than ever

    I appreciate long relationships!

    Don’t think I don’t care, please

    I’m just stretched thin from mid-August to mid May

    And, I know it shows

    My best friend of the last 15 yrs is a male high school art teacher and true artist in his own right. He has dealt with all of this sh*t and more. I feel you. On the other end of the spectrum and as a witness to your end of it. I support you, just as I've always supported him! The requirements that are ever mounting on our teachers is b.s. especially considering how little parents care (and actually parent these days) until it violates the dictates of crap that is absolutely useless, uninformed, bias and separatist in their own homes and then the parents come out of the wood work. The kids KNOW (cus kids are smart, they observe us adults, our idiosyncrasies, our biases, opinions, etc.) and the instant they have a problem in general in school, now they say Mrs. Or Mr. So an so is teaching this or said that in class, and parents being so out of touch, lazy and indifferent get riled up only when presented with what affronts them on a "personal, feeling level" logic and general education be damned. Then the teacher is left to explain what they've said, how it logically applies to life in general, let alone their class environment and the fact that, that student is doing abysmally, not just in their class but, in generally, (Ta-Da) ALL their classes except the ones they REALLY LIKE and have an easy time being GOOD at. Then the parent doesn't appreciate the "tone or perspective you are addressing them with in regards to their child" regardless of the truth of it. They decide to contact the school, then the school board, etc. Until it is resolved to their satisfaction, which just eventually trickles back down to that teacher who initially told the truth, and is forced to lie to give a passing grade minimum to said student(s) so they can keep their job, not negatively impact the schools rating system and HOPEFULLY avoid ANY further issues with said student(s). Consequently compromising educators integrity, honor, discipline and sincere desire to uphold the highest standard of the ART of being an EDUCATOR and stealing their very delicate hopes and dreams of being able to truly help, matter or make any kind of significant impact on a sh*t system, filled with sh*t ppl, abiding by a sh*t standard, just to stay in sh*t business for the betterment of that sh*t system. You guys aren't failing our system. We are. Society and PARENTS are failing YOU. Period. You guys are the front line of defense, the most reliable witnesses to the failing of our educational system in being able to equip our next generations to deal with the reality of reality and you are the first casualties. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SERVICE!

    Although, I will never prescribe to this said SH*T system, I have been aware of it since gradeschool. I'm going on 44yrs old in December. I'm so deeply empathetic for the pain, disillusionment, frustration, doubt etc... In a system you believed in or actually entered and hoped you could change and fell victim to and the self doubt it engenders, not to mention the potential regret it may cause you for getting involved to try to make a positive difference to begin with. I don't HAVE to imagine your frustration... I live with it daily in my poor best friend,  he is a GREAT TEACHER. That guy is my f*cking HERO! ❤️‍🩹 To the teachers of the world feeling beleagured, overwhelmed, useless, irrelevant etc. Believe me... Even IF you're NEVER PRIVILEDGED ENOUGH to SEE it in your own lifetime. You f*cking matter INFINITELY MORE than you could EVER hope to fathom. Do not give up on us, because I (small, insignificant an irrelevant as I am), WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU!!! WE NEED YOU GUYS!  We need GOOD, HONORABLE, HONEST, SINCERE PROPER TEACHERS! Ya KNOW who ya are. You guys are jewels of the roughest cut! Pure, true, honest, hardworking and simple. You guys don't need refining! Stay true and pls, just stay! ❤️‍🩹🙇‍♀️❤️‍🩹🙇‍♀️❤️‍🩹🙇‍♀️❤️‍🩹🙇‍♀️❤️‍🩹🙇‍♀️❤️‍🩹 Thank you all so very much💜! 
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