ISO Good pic of 2000 Blackie Poster Chicago

Hey all,

Looking to see if anyone has a good picture of the PJ poster 2000 Blackie" from 10.09.00 at the All State Arena (at the time). I'm trying to plug a gap in the shows I've seen poster collection and want to throw a halfway decent pic in its place (don't think I'll ever own one since its so rare and costly). Best pic i've found on the net was from collectionzz and sixties posters auction. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,114
    edited September 2023
    bootleg poster - it'd be like making a poster for the Phoenix 2022 show right now. Sure it may have been Ames, but bootleg.  Stick with the image like you are doing.
  • Yeah a "bootleg" poster. I'm just looking if there are any better pictures of it so it doesn't look too janky when I print it and put it next to my other posters. Right now the only images I've found don't blow up so well and date back like 5 years ago and have been compressed to hell on the internet.
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