oddest gig ever.

kigcatkigcat Posts: 298
edited February 2006 in Musicians and Gearheads
ok now this is a strange one and ive yet too sleep on it. Tonight i went to my local live music venue with the singer/rhythm guitarist and bassist of my band to watch two other bands we play with sometimes. So we`re sitting there while the support band do a soundcheck having a chat when completely out of the blue we`re told that the drummer of the headline band has had to leave suddenly cause his two month old son has been rushed into hospital due to some unknown life threatening complications! This band (aswell as the support band) are good "gigging" friends of ours and of course we`re all kinda worried and pretty upset. Of course without the drummer the headline band cant play so a kinda eerie worry fills the room. Then the organiser and main sound guy of the venue asks us if we could step at literally the last minute to do a support slot as the original support band have been moved up to headline. After a few minutes comtemplation and deliberation between myself, our singer and bassist we decide yeah we`ll do it. Of course we had no drummer and no gear of our own. We borrowed gear from the now headline band and the main sound guy and did a 45 minute acoustic set of our songs. It was such a weird gig. For a start no drummer. I felt really guilty because the rest of the original headline band were there still reeling in shock of the events, mixed emotions of extreme worry, feeling disheartened of having to cancel a very important gig for them at the literal last minute. I Felt kinda guilty for kinda stepping in and taking some of there evening away from them at the last minute. It really was such a strange night. After we played we helped the guys load the gear in to there van and checked they were ok and gave them hugs and wishes and sent them on there way home. I just pray that everything is all ok. I Really feel so sorry and worried for these guys and i really can say that tonight i felt one of those real musical bonds between bands and i just wish that all bands would just get on and help each other out and look out for one another. I dont know why ive written this but im feeling kinda sad, confused, worried and like ive cheated another band out of something.
I'm not saying stupidity should be a capital offence, but what say we take the safety labels off everything and let nature run it's course?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Hey,

    I think you were right in what you did, of course i have no emotions within the scene but for you pulling through for the fans, the bands and whoever else on such short notice is a heroic feat. I really dont know what else to say, but i hope everythign turns out well with the emergency and it was a good thign you guys did


    "how many people did die from that?...did P.Diddy kill them?" - Eddie Vedder 2006.02.19
  • kigcatkigcat Posts: 298
    turns out the band also had a days recording booked in a major label studio the next that was cancelled due to obvious reasons. Theyve had to put everything on hold and cancel all upcoming gigs. We played our last gig for a month or 2 last night (weve been gigging solidly for the last couple of months) to concentrate on writing new material so its all kinda winding down for us for a bit. I feel abit better about the whole incident now. just a bit worried about the kid.
    I'm not saying stupidity should be a capital offence, but what say we take the safety labels off everything and let nature run it's course?
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