RVM For Frans in Chicago

Let's try to get our fallen Unicorn a dedication in Chicago. We've chosen the Windy City as it was on his bucket list to see the band there, and we have a large army of unicorns travelling out from all over the world to this show.
Frans was a fan of PJ longer than anyone I know, seeing them first in 1992 and lastly in Amsterdam in 2022, 7 months before he passed ( fuck cancer 🖕)
He was passionate about our family, our unique togetherness that has made us all better humans, and Frans was a beacon of that Family. His friends stretched all around the world and he embraced all of them.
A dedication in Chicago would be a fitting tribute to a life long member of the "Jamily"

Post edited by Martyhiggy on
Slane 93
Dublin 96
Dublin 00
Hamilton 05
Dublin 06
Poland 07 London 07
West Palm Beach 08 Tampa 08
Berlin 09 Manchester 09 London 09
Dublin 10 Belfast 10
Manchester 12 1+2
Leeds 14 Milton Keynes14
EV Manchester 12
EV Dublin 17
Mirrorball Dublin 95
please play Rearviewmirror for Frans. He was the best of the best.
Fuck Cancer 🖕