
Looking to join this new band - thoughts?

62strat62strat Posts: 638
edited January 2004 in Musicians and Gearheads
well, this band wants me to be their lead guitarist. they jsut sent me 4 songs, 2 of which i kind of like. nothign too exciting at first....a bit different then wayside, my current band whos future is uncertain...

could be a fun role to step in to. get to do some more leads. their past lead guitarist wasnt band, KIND of but butt rockish...i hink i could make it much better. singer has a pretty good voice, not sure yet..sounds alot like the coldplay singer...they dont rock as hard,which is fine..and its a little bit more poppy. They seem more ready for a commitment, have great gear...100watt hiwat full stack, 7 piece tama star classic, 6 piece monitor system...reherase alot, write alot...dont gig much...but they really want the committement and do what they can...

anyways, im in the process of putting a coupel of their songs on my hrddrive so i would like your e guys/gals input...

let me know

oh ya, they are called north styrenn...and are all older than me.
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    two bands are better than one. i'd be interested in hearing it.
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    Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Do it. For all I've heard the more you put yourself out there the better.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    ya i just dont nkow. cause, i want to be able to put 130% into whatever im doing with a band. and if im in two...well, it will be harder. i feel like i shouldnt join another band untill i try everything i can with the previous...but i guess it also depends on the rest of hte guys
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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    look at it as a chance to work with other musicians and gain other influences. and to stretch yourself to fit into something new.

    good experience no matter what.
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    true. i have to decide if i like these boys or not too...2 songs i am atually digging... k ill put them ont hecomputer...
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    ok, emails?? i dlike your opinions...
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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    g.snell@telus.net for me

    i'll check them tonight.
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    Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    paco your mailbox is full
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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    files that big won't fit through hotmail.

    i got 'don't walk away' to work on my mp3 player. the structure is simpler that what wayside does it seems. but there's tons of room for lead guitar icing.

    i quite like it. but it's very british sounding so that's probably why.
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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    whoever is playing lead on the track has a big noel gallagher influence going on. good stuff.
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    ya the lead guitarist is no longer...i think he hits alot of notes that...well are off to my ear...

    im still deciding, cant quite decide..those two songs i like...def alot sipler than what we did, more poppy...but id ont want to be this guy who only does solos...as much asi love doing that...i rather not be that guy...

    i think the singer sounds alot like coldplays singer...
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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    Originally posted by 62strat
    ya the lead guitarist is no longer...i think he hits alot of notes that...well are off to my ear...

    i think the singer sounds alot like coldplays singer...

    he wasn't as fluid as he could be certainly. i feel bad since i suck at leads anyway but i just hear what i hear.

    the singer does sound a little like chris martin. he doesn't have the inflection and emotional range in this song though.

    would these guys give you the opportunity to contribute to the writing at all?
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    ya, thats part of hte reason why they fired the last guitarist, he didnt contribute to writing at all...

    so that would be good. my budyd lsitened to it and said its very earl to mid nineties rock..ala tonic...think its rehashed music...i kind of hear it, im not sure though...

    why is this such atough decision. I think it would be good for me though, alot of room for me to work isuppose. I suppose jamming wouldnt hurt.
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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    Originally posted by 62strat
    why is this such atough decision. I think it would be good for me though, alot of room for me to work isuppose. I suppose jamming wouldnt hurt.

    exactly. hell, jamming is fun. just give it a try and see how it goes. it's all just music.
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    Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    my box should be empty now.

    Hell, just go jam with them a couple of times at least that'd be fun.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    ya paco it didnt work...

    you got aim or something?
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    Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    no hotmail, servers probably down on account of the virus sorry.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
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    Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    You could always quit the band if you don't like it. Haven't you ever broken up with a girl before? That relationship was a commitment also wasn't it? So why not try it? Maybe you don't like their direction as much now but who knows what it will be with your influence on those songs
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    thats a very good point. and i usually get dumped actually thanks for opening up the wounds :(
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    Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Originally posted by 62strat
    thats a very good point. and i usually get dumped actually thanks for opening up the wounds :(

    don't feel bad. so do I. It's a trait of sensitive caring people. Rare for guitar and trumpet players.

    Everybodys different fuck it. I say jam, go with what you feel. I wouldn't sell out wayside but try and light a fire under their asses too. He'll you have a bit of following locally you're young go for it while you can, jam maybe record a bit with the side project but find out if their worth a shit before you quit wayside. It's perfectly fine to play with more than one band like you said you'll get to play a few more solos.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    ya...i think personally, as the guitarist i am, being able to do all those solos would be great and fullfilling ...in its own way. but as far as being in aband and making music, its not about the solo..and i really love what i do with wayside, even though its a fucing pain in the ass most of the time..fucking bass player....not everyone is on the same page in that band,and i just dont get why...

    the thing is, this new band isnt looking to be a side project..they want committement, THEY WANT to go for it, and not work 9-5..well duh, so does everyone in the world... but they want to do what they can, where as wayside..well..thats a whole fucking story in itself...so being in the other band, they would want a commitment, jaming 3-4 times a week etc...so wheres the time for the band that i truly want to be in...i hate moving on from something, or spreading myself to thin without giving it my all and fail before hand...
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    nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    It all depends what you are looking for and what kind of goals you have. As you probably know, most people talk trash and when it comes down to it they are mostly talk. If this band is genuine and actually seems to want to go in the same direction as you..then go for it. My advice though is to try to stick to one band.....one day you may have to choose.
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
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    i would see what it was like - definitely - you never know why doors are open until you walk through them - cheesy clichee statement, sure - but...go for it -
    I'll dig a tunnel
    from my window to yours
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    low_lightlow_light Posts: 251
    hey 62strat.. if you're still sending songs to email addy's throw one my way. david@engineoftheocean.com

    I'd like to hear it too.

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