So, blown power tubes

yup. or bad power tubes? cause my amp fuse to fucking blow.
what the shit. i believe they put new tubes in in january???
pretty annoying. not sure why this amp is giving me so many problems, i feel like i should just sell it, and put it towards a new twin reverb...
luckily they are not charging me the rush fee to get it done in time for tomorrows show, and gving me 30% of labor fees...
what the shit. i believe they put new tubes in in january???
pretty annoying. not sure why this amp is giving me so many problems, i feel like i should just sell it, and put it towards a new twin reverb...
luckily they are not charging me the rush fee to get it done in time for tomorrows show, and gving me 30% of labor fees...
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I know I gig without a backup too. I have been very lucky with my Dr. Z amps (I used to own the Ghia)... but I am always keeping my fingers crossed.
I hope all this works out.
What kind of amp do you have anyways?
fender twin reverb II built in 81 ib elieve by paul riviera...
i love it. its tooloud, but it sounds so beautiful...
Good luck with that... I hope your gig goes well too.
well thank you sir. i hope so as well
im looking into selling it possibly and just going with a newer fender twin reverb, or possibly one of the 65 reissues? not sure on that date...but yea. just something newer tha ti can maybe count on a bit more...but get the same tone and bite tha ti do out of the twin reverb II...
get it working and dump it. something made those tubes blow unless you just got a bad set. In fairness you do push them pretty hard and the thing moves around alot still they shouldn't blow so fast.
Dump it while you can and look for a newer or older used Twin.
Those are cool amps designed by Paul Rivera (Rivera amps) but It's like owning a dying horse in this case. Put it to pasture and see what you can do. Sorry man. Sad day.
Ask savage if they can determine why they blew (plate voltage too high, transformer undervoltage, old busted filter caps. etc)
ya he said there were a bad set of tubes in it..bad luck i suppose
ill be shopping around for a newer used twin..possibly just a new one, will be sad to part with this amp though thats for sure...
we will see what happens.
i just fucking love it.
well, they were way to much power for me but I like the new ones. they have an od channel tons of options on the back and a half power switch if you can get it used for a good deal go for it. You could always check out several 6L6 amps in your search and maybe you'll have a little more time to shop since the new tubes will be in.
Shitty thing about tube amps. Outdated technology crappy reliability. I wonder if they have any thing besides Groove Tubes they could but in. Some EH's or Svetlanas or Phillips JAN would be nice
my friend is considerring a Super Reverb right now. I dig those amps, but not as much as the Deluxes.
Twins are my favorite of the group(probably the 212 configuration) but have always been too loud... I have tried them out twice( one RI and one silverface).
Pacomc, do you still have your Orange?
My friend is also considering a Ric 360... sort of a complete overhaul.
He plays an SG Standard through an Orange OD120... and he is thinking about a Ric and a SR... now that is a drastic change.
I don't think your going to be happy until you get a new one, so bite the bullet. Just remember that when the GAS goes away you may not be that happy. That's happened to me several times!
That tweed twin is pretty bad ass. Happy hunting.
well i really dont. i love my twin. love it to death thats why i keep forking money over fixing it the end its worht it, or is it? im just contemplating getting a newer twin that might be more reliable...but i just don tknow anymore!
Fender Tweed amps were great... the remakes are also very cool.
As the ad says, Keith Richards and EC are using them recently... they can play whatever they want to play. So, you know it gives up the goods.
Yeah House I still have the Orange. I'm trying to negociate a trade of my Ultimate Chorus for a Blues JR. I'd like to modify with a weber speaker and better tubes. maybe even some dynamat to stop some of the cab vibration and use it as my clean amp.
I have a buddy with the Blues JR and an SG special. He really wants more grit and the UC certainly offers that the price is right. They are each worth about the same.
I'd then have a clean and a dirty amp. Then I could work on finding a cab for each.
I sure wish I could afford a couple of nice 4x10 cabs.
I should have done that in the first place.
right. what's missing is big rich bass response. I miss it too.
the good news would be if I get the head I would have some store credit to play with.
Well, Paco, I posted a KILLER EH 4x10" cabinet that sold for $227. You can't say I didn't try.
You want a tweed twin? They don't have reverb, so keep that in mind... but what about this?
Hell, I kinda want one. But I digress...
You never even gave the Pro Reverb a chance? I thought it was perfect for you... smaller, but not too small... The '65 Twin Reverb reissue is a great amp. The brand-new Fender Twin is also okay, but it has some quirky features. It tries to emulate the vintage vibe, but falls short in my opinion.
You want some big, rich sound, but only have a 1x12" combo amp? Can you power up an extension speaker? I'd bet you anything a single 12" in a sealed cab would add the body and beef you've been missing.
alas, Mig, monitarily I have only money for a new guitar at the moment. I couldn't buy the cab although I knew it was an awesome deal.
Turning that twin up and adding a nice fat od.......heaven.
Believe me, I know EXACTLY how you feel. Right now, I want two Fender '72 Tele Custom reissues with new pups in both, a Boss DD-6, and a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power unit. I'll definitely get the DD-6, and am working on the Pedal Power. The Teles will have to wait. Like, a few years.
But the one I had was a good one for sure.
I had a Reverend Slingshot... great guitar, but the name on the headstock was wrong. Now, the Townshend SG is a better guitar, better build and materials, I like the pups better, better tuners, etc... but the Gibson on the headstock makes me like it more.
With my tele, it isn't a Fender, but you can't tell that from a distance.
If you get a Carvin, get a body shape that is close to the Fender if you can... that really helped me with the tele. Where as the Reverend has a very unique body shape and design.
Most importantly, you have to find a guitar that you are comfortable with and has the features you like. Being comfortable on a guitar makes such a big difference...
I hope that I will still have the two guitars I have now in 25 years... in 35 years... (I will likely have other guitars too, but really have an instrument be MY guitar)
So, do you want a Fender? That's cool... Fender makes some great guitars, you can get the pups and wiring you want done to it at some point and it will have resale value if you ever change your mind...
The Carvin? Custom made, to your specs. Well made and with options the Fender doesn't have. It says Carvin on the headstock... Nothing wrong with that either. One drawback I do see with the Carvin, you can't play it before you buy it... guitars are so subjective, each one is different... it is nice to be able to search through for a good one...
I would get the best Fender you can get your hands on... try a bunch of them, and get the one that feels the best.
Everytime I think about trading the LP Studio I play it and the neck is just so perfect. Damn I love ebony, but if I found the right PT SG. I'd be all over it.
I have never had a thing for a Strat. If I were looking for a guitar to replace an LP Studio... I would probably get something like a tele with humbuckers... you move to the longer scale, but keep the beef of the humbuckers... there is a big difference between strat pups and humbuckers (I know you know this, but it is worth repeating)...
In my book you can never go wrong with a tele.
Just got a DD-6 about three months ago. My question is, "what can't it do?".......I mean this thing has so many features it's actually quite a steal for around $150. I find that the hold function is very useful on the fly and the reverse delay is out of this world! If you get one, enjoy!
I've used them (and the other DD units, the 3 and 5) many times before, and I love them. I currently have a rack delay unit that I love to death, but it's a pain in the ass to use for gigs. Not to mention cabling it into my signal path... I run my phaser into my tubescreamers, then into my delay, and finally into my reverb. Going from the pedalboard to the delay and then back to the pedalboard is a cabling nightmare.
I'll have one soon enough... thanks...