
Guitar for Sale

62strat62strat Posts: 638
edited February 2004 in Musicians and Gearheads
Epiphone Les Paul, purchased in 1998. I have pictures, its black quilt top, 6 years old, black and marble. Eppiphone les paul classic for sale. Comes with case, marble pickguard, and comp strap for ya's!!!
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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    what have you decided to pursue to replace it?
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    i really think im gonna go for the gibson sg faded. First, i really love hte look of the guitar, and playing it in stores...the little that i have, really seems interesting to me. the long necks etc. 2 humbuckers i believe (double check that) so i figure i can get a better tone out of it then the epiphone, probably a tad bit more versatile, not much of a concern sinc ei have the strat. sounds like the only major concerns on the guitar is the neck and how carfeul you have to be with it...

    try something new, i kind of want a tele...but thats too in the middle, i want something from both ends..being the strat and the les paul...

    unless you have other ideas or suggestions or things i should know?

    and i figure for the price, its pretty damn good deal. a step up from the epiphone, another building ladder to the top of the line guitar...
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    exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    should be cool, man. i've no suggestions or anything. i haven't played an SG but i do covet one.
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    62strat62strat Posts: 638
    they seem interesting ot me, the neck is longer than my ....well never mind, ha...odd to get used to im sure....should be exciting, hopefuilly i can sell this epiphone les paul, pay for the difference, its free shippping on musicians friend...
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