Boutique Overdrive Pedals

or something like them.
what are some great ones? and their websites, and especailly telesonics website...i lost it and was interested in checking one out. and any opinions on any of these would be more than appreciated!
what are some great ones? and their websites, and especailly telesonics website...i lost it and was interested in checking one out. and any opinions on any of these would be more than appreciated!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Uh yeah. I'm in love with them. to name a few. PM telesonic.
for the europeans
you can also search for the Klon Centaur and Landgraff products and a few others at and your favorite search engine
I also consider mesa boogie to be boutique they have some tube products at
oh and perhaps the most expensive but one of the coolest I think the soldano supercharger however for 400 bucks is way more than it's worth
and there's always though not boutique
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
oh yeah, I forgot. I love these too. You ever get a chance to play with some of those Mig? The Love pedals? they started out cheaper, but I think he got swamped quick. I really like the Karl Fuzz.
oh also
it aint a competition to see who knows more damnit!
now where should i start, what are all your personal favs? oens that would match up quite nicely with my rig ...
and ive talked to tele through pms...
havent heard form him in awhile...whats his real email?
There's never been any competition here. All those are my favorites and Mig knows way more about sound than I do even with my unbridled enthusiasm and quest for knowledge. I'm just trying to help.
but the most broad site with a lot of ones on there under new pedals is probably
The keeley and analogman sites if you read them will teach you a bit about why the tubescreamer is so popular and really why it is that you buy a boutique pedal.
or a keeley modified blues driver
both have really good clean boosting abilities and that is what's key to a good overdrive.
i was joking, i really do appreciate it! my brain cant handle so many beautiful things at once...
As I am in love with the Captain Coconut 2 from Dave Fox, I'd also say before you buy anything take a long hard look at the ZIM overdrive too.
You already have the Tubescreamer though so in the interest of the budget. Send it to Robert Keeley for a tune up. You'll be glad you did.
hmm. i have the tsdx and a ts 5 and a sonci distortion...
i was originally gonna rid of the ts5 and get tele's pedal...
Tele's pedal is wonderful. He sent it to me with my modded dynacomp/ross he did for me. Excellent job on both. I think it's a great pedal well hell both of them are.
That'd be a good idea sell the TS 5 and send the Sonic Distortion to Keeley. He'll improve it vastly. Much much more headroom volume and smoothness in the tone. My rat2 is fantastic.
it looks like to me alot of these pedals are the same, they all go for the same thing...the levels at which they acheieve themi m sure are different..but im willing to bet any one of these pedals would be a good buy... what i like about this power screamer is it has a switch for a "lead boost" type of deal...
i'd buy from tele since we know the shit's good and we can support a pj fan.
ya i think youre right. according to him, hes thinking with his pedal i could get rid of the tsdx...i put that last in the chain and always have it on with another distortion, usually using it to bost up the amp at a lower well...just wondering if i would take it out or not and just use his pedal plus the sonic distortion...whats his website again?
and im wondering...if i could get a boost thing on the pdeal as well??
not to mention it looks cool right?
Yeah the lead boost is a nice feature because it gives you one more option. So you can have the clean boost a little more crunch and then engage your number 2.
The beauty of a unit like the zim is that you can customise the whole bit and custom taylor it to your rig.
Though they are expensive the ZVEX super duper 2 in 1 is cool because you have that clean boost first channel then the second clean boost channel is cascaded into the first and adds a master volume. What does this mean you ask? Oh, shitloads of sustain and feedback at any volume. Maybe one day I keep saying.
I get a great sound out of my Barber Direct Drive into my Keeley Rat2. I'm very happy with each. You're right though pretty much anyone is a good buy. They are all made by people who love what they do.
I thought of one more site you might like Ex thinks they are ugly as hell and look like tonka trucks but hell it's worth a look.
still telesonic's is honestly super smooth man, and you get to support a burgeoning business.
haha. yea....those...are...ugly! and they really do look like a tonka truck. funny stuff. but ig uess in the end what matters most...
i feel like i should send all my pedals into keeley and have them modded..the sonic for sure. only problem is im always gigging and need my pedals :( hopefully a break soon here in august...whats his turnaround time like?
Well, Robert will treat you like you are Peter Frampton. Essentially it usually takes a week but if you e-mail him first an ask (give him a while to reply he gets swamped) usually he can work something out and get it back to you by the time you need it.
i am curious as to what the mod will make a difference with in the sonic distortion, should be interesting. to be honest, i dont even know why im gonna do all this tuff as im extremely happy with my tone as it is...ohhhhhh the addiction... but it can always get better!
what? what? *ears perk up* overdrives? pedals mods?
so how's everyone been around here lately?
62, you NEED my overdrive. i've actually improved it slightly since you last played it paco. altered the clipping scheme for heavier assymetrical, and oh what a difference. even more transparent and smooth with more volume available. and if you need the sonic distotion modded, i can do that too. my distortion, which i'll have available shortly is based on it. cranked marshall!
also, i redid the silk screen slightly, so it looks cooler now. i'll update my webpage soon so you can see. i'll also have my compressor, distortion, and phaser up too within the next week. me...
i'll just give you a call if you don't mind. PM me your phone #.
its my work, ask for brian ...which is me
excellent. glad to see you around. let us know the web page so we can pimp it out.
62 might as well send it to Telesonic. I can vouch for his excellent work. That overdrive is as smooth and silky as they come. There are so many good people in this business I really have a hard time buying from big companies anymore. I'd rather pay a few more bucks and get it done right. Dave Barber, Ted Weber, Robert Keeley and Mr. Shannon here have all done very right by me.
I can't forget Greg Snell either. that switcher helps out a bunch.
ha. oh well