Being In A Band Has Worn On Me

62strat62strat Posts: 638
edited January 2005 in Musicians and Gearheads

so ill try to keep this short. my band wayside, is no longer, drummer picked up job in chicago and has moved, other guitar player,well he was never really into it. i know i know, some of you may be extremely dissapointed:) but anyways, so now its me, the singer and bass player with a new drummer and new guitarist. and im just sick of the BS in bands. perhaps im just with the wrong people. the new drummer is technically a more skilled drummer, but he doesnt drive the music. i love playing with him though. the other guitarist, is far superior technically than me, which is very cool because we can work off eachother beautifully. he graduted from music tech, so he knows his shit. which is the fucking problem. the drummer and guitarist and bass player were in a band together as well...a jam band...our bass player plays in every band cause he's phenomenal. so the new guitarist is all about playing 100000 chords per song, 1000000 different chord voicings and harmonizing on everything, no matter what the song, and will not play chords. im more of a less is more kind of guy, but thats just me. now we just have different tastes, not one better than the other, two different schools of thought. the drummer, just wants to play, doesnt care, singer is more like me, and our bass player is more like them but more like us at the same time...its just fucking frusturating. right now we only have covers down and an original or two, have a show in less than a idea how its going to work, great cover of cherub rock, unkwon soldier (which is excellent!) spacehog, and 1000000 classic rock songs of course.

i think im just sick of being in a band. different tastes, maybe i need new musicians? ive been writing soo much lately, its amazing what detunning, retuning the guitar does...opens up so many doors..and ive been getting so much pleasure out of just doing that...ill always write, and i would miss playing live, fuck i'd miss it. but rehearsing and writing, when so many different tastes in music (now i know it can be a good thing) but its just a headache

"this song sounds like this"
"this song sounds like that"

minimilast i am, other guitarist and bass player are all about different chord vocings..ah i repeating myself...

im just getting sick of it, not to mention other bands int he scene and peoples attitudes, everyone feels they deserve greatness, doesnt matter..its who you know and how you get gigs, im not gonna be a rockstar....i dont have much time anyways nowadays so why kill myself doing something im not enjoying?

ah hell i dont know.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    "i dont have much time anyways nowadays so why kill myself doing something im not enjoying?"

    that's enough right there. it's music. it's supposed to be a fun, creative release. if it's not, what's the point?

    look for something that fits better. being miserable won't accomplish anything.
  • 62strat62strat Posts: 638
    yea, youre probably right. But i feel like i should give it a fair shot, play a show, see what comes of it and how it feels, maybe i just lost the spark?

    or maybe, im scared of giving it up becaues to me its giving in to not having that dream, and growing up, into adulthood...which scares me...

    it was just pretty sad when wayside ended. no final show for us, a group of friends, we played a great show, got booked to do a show for a radio station here in the cities..and then boom, he got a job in chicago and that was it...

    i suppose i already have done more in music than i ever thought i would, nothing spectacular but still rewarding nonetheless...

    not sure what's going on with me!
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    i'm not saying drop it but just find something that works better.

    but i'm biases because the idea of playing classic rock covers sounds absolutely gut-rotting to me.

    we have full time jobs that we don't like as it is. why make the things we're passionate about suck too.
  • 62strat62strat Posts: 638
    ya, i refuse to actually play the classic rock songs in public, eexcept for unknown soldier...

    there's a part of me also that thinks, well if im not gonna be famous...why do it with anyone but my good friends? im just thinking that anyone you try and assemble into a band in that kind of situation will just have even more problems.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    fame isn't worth it.
    fun, creativity and release are though.

    it's easy for me to say that though because i have no ambition.

    i want to quit my job and go work at the music store but i know i'll never have the balls to do it.
  • hey dude,

    I would say: find new musicians who are on the same page as you. I can tell you right now that the whole "less is more" versus "1000000 chord voicings" isn't going to work. at least, find a different guitarist - I can really see things getting hairy down the road.

  • When and where is the upcoming show? Hmmm, let me guess...21+ right...fuckers :)

    Sorry to hear that things aren't goin so well man. I'm sure it can be frusterating when a you're part of a group that wants to go in different directions.

    Me, i've got the exact opposite problem. i'm frusterated cuz i can't find anybody worth playing with. I have yet to come across anyone that plays worth a damn or listens to decent music. Not trying to talk myself up or anything, because technically i'm not too impressive...but i just want somebody that can hold their own, play some good rock and have a good time jamming with...but i grow tired of constantly having to show the person how to play a song.

    basically what i'm saying is i kinda envy've got some guys to jam with and i'm sure you guys sound amazing. My advice...go out and play a few shows...see how it flows. From what it sounds like, playing live is your passion...i mean...who DOESN'T enjoy playing live, ya know? I'm sure it's a bummer about Wayside because it sounds like you guys had a really good thing going there...but IMO you should give this new thing a shot, at least a couple shows (and at least one of them being 18+!! :D haha).
    "I'll do whatever the song dictates - if it doesn't need a real lead, then I won't do one. But if it does, then I'll fuckin' go off." - Mike

    "Japan is awesome; the fans there knew all the words to all the least phonetically." - Stone

    "I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version." - EV
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    Man, take it from me....finding a band that you can actually get along with can be, and most likely is impossible. It's like being married to 3 different women all at the same time. What you have to remember is whats important...the music. If the music and chemistry is just not happening, then you have two choices.
    You can. A. Work through it and hope it gets better
    B. Ditch it and find something that is better suited to you

    I feel your pain man...
    My band probably fights more than any other band on the planet...but we all have one thing in common...the music. Believe me, I hate the guys some of the time, but we write good songs (in my opinion) and I have been in alot of different bands, and none compared to this one in terms of creativity, talent and drive...and stage presence. Whatever it is you decide man, I'm sure it will be the right decision for you. Just don't be afraid to walk away from something that is just not working and is becoming too trying/ wearing to stick with....there are better things out there...what you have to decide is if there are better things for you. Hope everything works out for you man.
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • A band is an extremely difficult situation. Its hard to find the right band members that gel. I've never been involved with one solid act for more than 6 months. usually someone isnt' happy and everything has fallen apart. I was with one guitar player for over three years now, and now have been with the most rescent guitar player for about four years, yet we can never find the quality people that want to put for the equal amount of effort. Now I'm splitting my time between a guitar player that we write and record about once a week, and another guy who is a drummer that him and I are writing some stuff and will fill in the places when the time comes, and try to gig out.

    Very frustrating thats for sure!
    E. Lansing-98 Columbus-00,03,10 Detroit-00,03 (1&2),06, 14 Cleveland-03,06,10 Toledo-04, Grand Rapids-04,06 London-05, Toronto-05, Indianapolis 10, East Troy (1&2) 11, Chicago 13, Detroit 14
  • 62strat wrote:

    so ill try to keep this short. my band wayside, is no longer, drummer picked up job in chicago and has moved, other guitar player,well he was never really into it. i know i know, some of you may be extremely dissapointed:) but anyways, so now its me, the singer and bass player with a new drummer and new guitarist. and im just sick of the BS in bands. perhaps im just with the wrong people. the new drummer is technically a more skilled drummer, but he doesnt drive the music. i love playing with him though. the other guitarist, is far superior technically than me, which is very cool because we can work off eachother beautifully. he graduted from music tech, so he knows his shit. which is the fucking problem. the drummer and guitarist and bass player were in a band together as well...a jam band...our bass player plays in every band cause he's phenomenal. so the new guitarist is all about playing 100000 chords per song, 1000000 different chord voicings and harmonizing on everything, no matter what the song, and will not play chords. im more of a less is more kind of guy, but thats just me. now we just have different tastes, not one better than the other, two different schools of thought. the drummer, just wants to play, doesnt care, singer is more like me, and our bass player is more like them but more like us at the same time...its just fucking frusturating. right now we only have covers down and an original or two, have a show in less than a idea how its going to work, great cover of cherub rock, unkwon soldier (which is excellent!) spacehog, and 1000000 classic rock songs of course.

    i think im just sick of being in a band. different tastes, maybe i need new musicians? ive been writing soo much lately, its amazing what detunning, retuning the guitar does...opens up so many doors..and ive been getting so much pleasure out of just doing that...ill always write, and i would miss playing live, fuck i'd miss it. but rehearsing and writing, when so many different tastes in music (now i know it can be a good thing) but its just a headache

    "this song sounds like this"
    "this song sounds like that"

    minimilast i am, other guitarist and bass player are all about different chord vocings..ah i repeating myself...

    im just getting sick of it, not to mention other bands int he scene and peoples attitudes, everyone feels they deserve greatness, doesnt matter..its who you know and how you get gigs, im not gonna be a rockstar....i dont have much time anyways nowadays so why kill myself doing something im not enjoying?

    ah hell i dont know.

    Hey...are you in the band Wayside that's playing at Station 4 Thursday, January 27?
    ...Can't escape from the common rule
    If you hate something, don't you do it too...
  • 62strat62strat Posts: 638
    Hey...are you in the band Wayside that's playing at Station 4 Thursday, January 27?

    holy shit, i sure as fuck hope not...that would be tonight, havent heard anything!!!!

    i better look into that!

    we arent wayside anymore, but we were...

    edit: no, thats not us, thank god..we are playing in a couple weeks there. not as wayside, as something else yet to be determined, i dont know who the fuck "wayside kids" are...but shit, can i sue them?:)

    new band, and this post..could be deleted, cause i got the fire back.

    the new band has been fun, hardwork but very rewarding, playing with real muscians, being able to jam with the other guitarist, working and playing off eachother..some new songs have evolved and they are great, much different than previous maybe some of you might like it..very cool grooves, still some edge, little spacey...great. very excited again!
  • 62strat wrote:

    so ill try to keep this short. my band wayside, is no longer, drummer picked up job in chicago and has moved, other guitar player,well he was never really into it. i know i know, some of you may be extremely dissapointed:) but anyways, so now its me, the singer and bass player with a new drummer and new guitarist. and im just sick of the BS in bands. perhaps im just with the wrong people. the new drummer is technically a more skilled drummer, but he doesnt drive the music. i love playing with him though. the other guitarist, is far superior technically than me, which is very cool because we can work off eachother beautifully. he graduted from music tech, so he knows his shit. which is the fucking problem. the drummer and guitarist and bass player were in a band together as well...a jam band...our bass player plays in every band cause he's phenomenal. so the new guitarist is all about playing 100000 chords per song, 1000000 different chord voicings and harmonizing on everything, no matter what the song, and will not play chords. im more of a less is more kind of guy, but thats just me. now we just have different tastes, not one better than the other, two different schools of thought. the drummer, just wants to play, doesnt care, singer is more like me, and our bass player is more like them but more like us at the same time...its just fucking frusturating. right now we only have covers down and an original or two, have a show in less than a idea how its going to work, great cover of cherub rock, unkwon soldier (which is excellent!) spacehog, and 1000000 classic rock songs of course.

    i think im just sick of being in a band. different tastes, maybe i need new musicians? ive been writing soo much lately, its amazing what detunning, retuning the guitar does...opens up so many doors..and ive been getting so much pleasure out of just doing that...ill always write, and i would miss playing live, fuck i'd miss it. but rehearsing and writing, when so many different tastes in music (now i know it can be a good thing) but its just a headache

    "this song sounds like this"
    "this song sounds like that"

    minimilast i am, other guitarist and bass player are all about different chord vocings..ah i repeating myself...

    im just getting sick of it, not to mention other bands int he scene and peoples attitudes, everyone feels they deserve greatness, doesnt matter..its who you know and how you get gigs, im not gonna be a rockstar....i dont have much time anyways nowadays so why kill myself doing something im not enjoying?

    ah hell i dont know.

    i wondered about said the page was under construction when i tryed to check your band out.i'm sorry to hear about the probs with the band.if it isnt fun anymore should be a release an enjoyment,for a musician it isnt always though is it?
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    It is.....Its just usually when you have to deal with people on a personal level, is when it becomes not fun
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • i just read on ..glad you got the fire eat some pizza !
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