ISO 1 ticket for Chicago Night 2 (have 2 Fort Worth Night 2 reserved for possible trade)

I was fortunate to get 2 reserved Chicago night 2 tix through 10c (behind stage, lower level) but need an extra (3 of us going!).

I've got 2 Ft Worth night 2 reserved tickets (1st level facing stage - at least unless they "reassign" me) that I'd be willing to work into a trade trade.



  • steven87steven87 Posts: 1,612
    My wife and I both scored tickets to Chicago N2 through 10c. Another one of our friends is probably joining us, so that means we should have one ticket left over. Obviously don’t know the seat location yet, but I’ll let you know once 10c reassigns the seats. 
  • jonsalvinjonsalvin Posts: 11
    That’d be awesome!  Keep me posted - definitely appreciate it!
  • steven87steven87 Posts: 1,612
    Okay I think we’re going to have an extra seat in section 301, row 9. Lmk if you’re interested. 
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