Combating scams in the Discogs Marketplace

For those using Discogs be careful…

Alpine Valley Music Theatre East Troy, Wisconsin (September 03, 2011); Alpine Valley Music Theatre East Troy, Wisconsin (September 04, 2011); Deluna Fest Pensacola, FL (September 21, 2012); Wrigley Field (July 19, 2013); Milwaukee, WI (October 20, 2014); Wrigley Field I (August 20, 2016); Wrigley Field II (August 22, 2016); Home Shows Seattle Night 1 (August 08, 2018), Home Shows Seattle Night 2 (August 10, 2018), Apollo Theater (September 10, 2022), Madison Square Garden (September 11, 2022), Bourbon & Beyond Louisville (September 17th, 2022).
Be safe out there, vinyl friends!
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red Flag #3: Italian sellers unfortunately have worst reputation for some reason. Believe it’s easier to set up fraudulent accounts there
red flag #4: don’t just take the seller rating at face value- look at the reviews- these guys are getting smarter and will post 10-15 positive reviews from the same account
lastly- and less frequently- if you think a seller with a good rating let something go at a moderately too good to be true price (and it’s not Matt’s son haha) then ping them and confirm- you can just say you’re verifying their account before sending payment or ask for pictures of the record. You don’t have to say it’s a good price- just that you’re doing your due diligence on account of all the fraud. I had this very thing happen with the same box set listed at $275- the seller hadn’t been that active so I simply asked and it turned out they had been hacked.
PayPal and CC should cover fraudulent charges though regardless.
Also- ISO Ryan Adams Live After Deaf for somewhere between $82 and $400
This was like 10 years ago, but I had my eBay account hacked and the item I had listed had buy it now offers sent out to everyone who had placed a big or watched it, all for less than the current bid price.
I still can't figure out what the scam was, as it would have taken them to pay me, but I'm sure there was something worked out.
Anyway, I noticed before anyone paid, contacted the buyers, let them know and canceled my item. All were cool with it except one guy, who demanded I sell it at the offer price. I tried to explain multiple times it was not me, why would I send an offer for $500 when the current bid was $800? He just kept saying it was a contract and I was legally obligated to keep it. Despite the fact I had 1 item and the offer went out to like 10 people. He eventually gave me my only negative feedback. eBay deleted it pretty quickly when I contacted them. He was an idiot.
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