Plenty of them in the UK. Rare find in US as reasonably priced. I got one
That seems to be the state of things so far - but I recall prior Wilco-adjacent RSD releases (eg Warmer, which was originally billed as RSD-only) getting wider releases later on. I’m going to wait this one out instead of paying through the nose for either US resale market or UK shipping.
Comments Shopping&utm_campaign=Strip Joint Records &utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=34604&gclid=CjwKCAjwxr2iBhBJEiwAdXECw51SR_J6hLHl2orsVtO82S6bZlTPW17eP0CfMi1ClP7CLcQTQ09RdBoCjD4QAvD_BwE
Let me know.
I am looking for The Black Keys RSD.