What is the best way to get into a show if you don't get ten club tickets?

evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
Hey all, I am new to the Ticketmaster verified fan set up. Is this effective? Is it the best way to get into a show if you're unsuccessful in the Ten Club lottery? Also, is this the same as the sale to the general public or something different?

Thanks for your info and perspective.
I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
-Christopher Walken

you're=you are
your=showing ownership

The truth has a well known liberal bias.
-Stephen Colbert


  • The verified fan sale is the general public sale. If you do not get ten club tix try the verified fan sale. If you strike out on both, be patient and check for fan2fan tickets when people can start listing them.
  • jefftjefft Posts: 671
    Fan to fan if you do not get 10c tics or verified fan.  Be patient 
  • gotthebottlegotthebottle San Diego Posts: 2,958
     Verified sucks and is bullshit... you'll be able to get tickets if you're patient.. watch when F2F opens
  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,902
    Ask around here for extras
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