I pretty much crank the amp right up. My dad plays guitar and he usually has it even louder than I do so there's no one really to complain. My mum sometimes gets pissed off when she can't hear the TV in other rooms, but generally I can play as loud as I want.
scottish by birth, british by law and 'weegie by the grace of god...!!!!! FUCK THE QUEEN!!!
I've been playing my accoustic in my apartment and I get nervous that the neighbors can hear me, not so much because it's too loud, but because it's pretty embarrassing .
whenever my brother's home he plays guitar *and* drums so you can hear it as you turn onto the street with the car windows up and the radio on (no exaggeration). my parents don't seem to care. drives me nuts, though, if you want to talk to someone you have to scream. and it's like anytime that he's in the house, he's playing.
Originally posted by shoedriver how loudly do you play? do you live with other people? does it piss them off?
I used to live in a house in the middle of the boonies with 2 other guys. 2 amps and a drum kit in the basement, it was sweet. We could play any time at any level and not have to worry about anyone.
Now i live in a townhouse and I can only play loud until about 8 or so :( One of my neighbors complained "I don't know if you have a bass plugged into your guitar but it's too loud!" A bass plugged into a guitar??
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Originally posted by Pacomc79 I love playing in Garages in the Country that's when I play really loud, now in the Apartment 15 watts is almost too much.
I take on the responsibility of having the practice space ! This way I don't have to schlep my normal 12 times to-fro the
car-practice space. I have lived in Condo's/Apartments & as a drummer, IT SUCKS POOPY-KA-KA ! The dwellers below can hear & sometimes feel my electronic kick pedal vibration.
Also, my approach to my neighbors is as follows:
Go and introduce yourself as the new neighbor. Explain to them that you: ( choose one )
play professionally locally,
love to play your instrument often
teach lessons,
Politely ask/discuss with them, the times that you WILL BE PlAYING are OK with their schedule. I found out that this works really well as it is respecting their peace of mind & you can ask if it ever gets too loud that they just call over & ask ya to turn it down. = no cops/landloard being called ! :>
I never ever play past 10:00 P.M., even in a band room with professional sound proofing on the walls. We just start earlier !
my 2 cents,
we set up in my basement and are really loud...sometimes too loud. you can hear it from the end of my driveway and i live on a busy street...im sure the cops have come by but we can never hear them. needless to say, the people around us are'nt big fans.
The Dollars
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage
I never play with an amp at home. Only in rehersals is when i have it loud. Cant be bothered to set it all up at home.
'Fox hunting is barbaric, the people who do it are a bunch of snobby tories with stupid posh accents. Oh damn, i didn't say that - damn, what a giveaway...'
Currently I live in a house, yet noone likes the music I listen to or play, so I don't get to crank it up. Before that, I lived in apartments so everything I play is always through my headphones. I long for the day when I'll be able to crank it up.
have you guys ever discovered a place to play whenever and however loud, me and two other guys have a "band", and while we can play at each others houses, we cant play as much as we would like, anyone know of places you could rent out for little money? or just some kind of good tip?
"born on third, thinks he got a triple"
"hey thats mike mccready, he just walked by me, mike mccready just walked by me, that was fuckin mike mccready, jesus christ"-Eddie, 7/22/98
Originally posted by grungerock have you guys ever discovered a place to play whenever and however loud, me and two other guys have a "band", and while we can play at each others houses, we cant play as much as we would like, anyone know of places you could rent out for little money? or just some kind of good tip?
Ask around bars and clubs. During the day when they are not busy, they may let you reherse upstairs or in a small room they have. If you reherse there, then theres a good chance they'll ask you to gig there thats what we did.
'Fox hunting is barbaric, the people who do it are a bunch of snobby tories with stupid posh accents. Oh damn, i didn't say that - damn, what a giveaway...'
a band i was in briefly used to rehearse in a room over a auto repair shop. i think they charged us 100 a month which, when split between 4-5 guys, wasn't much.
there are plentry of studios and rehearsal spaces to rent all over the place, my band has rented one out for the past 3 years, prices vary..pick up some local music scene booklet or something, there should be tons of places listed
i've been living in apartments and condos now for years though so i haven't turned anything up in ages.
i do play my acoustic and sing full throttle without bothering anyone but i can't turn my amp up.
whenever my brother's home he plays guitar *and* drums so you can hear it as you turn onto the street with the car windows up and the radio on (no exaggeration). my parents don't seem to care. drives me nuts, though, if you want to talk to someone you have to scream. and it's like anytime that he's in the house, he's playing.
Now i live in a townhouse and I can only play loud until about 8 or so :( One of my neighbors complained "I don't know if you have a bass plugged into your guitar but it's too loud!" A bass plugged into a guitar??
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
www.stopglobalaids.com www.indymedia.org www.ecologyfund.com www.thehungersite.com www.amnesty.org www.pratham.org www.icbl.org www.care2.com/click2donate
car-practice space. I have lived in Condo's/Apartments & as a drummer, IT SUCKS POOPY-KA-KA ! The dwellers below can hear & sometimes feel my electronic kick pedal vibration.
Also, my approach to my neighbors is as follows:
Go and introduce yourself as the new neighbor. Explain to them that you: ( choose one )
play professionally locally,
love to play your instrument often
teach lessons,
Politely ask/discuss with them, the times that you WILL BE PlAYING are OK with their schedule. I found out that this works really well as it is respecting their peace of mind & you can ask if it ever gets too loud that they just call over & ask ya to turn it down. = no cops/landloard being called ! :>
I never ever play past 10:00 P.M., even in a band room with professional sound proofing on the walls. We just start earlier !
my 2 cents,
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage
"hey thats mike mccready, he just walked by me, mike mccready just walked by me, that was fuckin mike mccready, jesus christ"-Eddie, 7/22/98
Ask around bars and clubs. During the day when they are not busy, they may let you reherse upstairs or in a small room they have. If you reherse there, then theres a good chance they'll ask you to gig there