I was musing over the weekend...

that for some reason, after months-or even a year-of not playing guitar, I can pick it up and play Blackbird perfectly. In fact, it's really the *only* song I've ever been able to play well at all from beginning to end. I took lessons for years, I attempted to learn countless songs, and I *sucked* at guitar, really, really bad (no patience and I don't like to sit still). But for some reason I just picked Blackbird right up. Now it's not a hard song, but it's also not the easiest I've tried. And it's a good song, but it's not like my favorite or anything...but seriously I could pick up a guitar right now and play it and people would think that I know what I'm doing. Does anybody else think this is weird? and does anybody (who might have some idea about this) have any theories as to why this is???
Post edited by Unknown User on
totally. could i ever play speed metal? no.
The music your soul identifies with speaks to you. You can feel it tingle inside. What sounds right and feels good to you.
For me pentatonic blues scales a drummer a bass player and a singer that can belt like Ella Fitsgerald does it for me. but at the same time I get chills from the Brandenburg Concerto's or Mozart's Requiem
For you it's Blackbird
For Exausted it's different too
Fingerpicking is pleasureable to you so you like songs like blackbird, that's what you should focus on.
For me starting out, I had a love affair with the D chord I played it night and day and all the progressions I could muster.
You aren't going to be able to play everything ever, but if you start out learning a style that you like eventually you will get better.
If you are playing in a style you aren't comfortable with or aren't slightly good at you are more likely to put the instrument down and forget about it. It has to be fun and interesting first so you can learn more and get better.
It's all about the flow of the music and actually being able to FEEL it instead of just playing by memory for me.
I have different issues like ask me what notes to play for Daytripper and Heart-Shaped Box and I'll draw a complete blank. Hand me a guitar and I'll have no problem showing you
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
It's not necessarily your favorite song, or one that is your style, sometimes it has nothing to do with anything, but your fingers are just comfortable playing it. Ever hike in the quiet woods and get some cheesy disco song in your head. It's not like you even like the song, it's just there!
Ever have a thought in your head that you suddenly realize has nothing to do with the thread your on? I think I'm doing that right now! I DO realize ,however, that Blackbird is NOT a disco song.