If you could ONLY listen to classical music (see limitations) for a year, what would you listen to?

in Other Music
Here's the scenario: You've been abducted by (mostly) friendly aliens for a year and they set you up with a very comfortable listening room and a terrific stereo but the only music they have available for you to listen to is what we refer to as "classical" music. By that, I mean music scored for orchestra, but would also include some solo piano music- but only as etudes, preludes, polonaise, and nocturnes. They have nothing like more recent avant garde (like Cage, Reich or Glass) and the only modern composers include earlier 20th century people like Elger, Copeland, Ives, Vaughn Williams, Ravel, Schoenberg, Stravinsky, and Shostakovitch. The aliens also tend to shy away from popular pop-classical and film score composers, and may really turn evil if they hear Disney film or children's movie score music coming out of your room more than at most once a month. Careful there!
So what are you going to listen to, if anything? (No music is an option, but God help you if you go a year without music.)
For myself, I would definitely listen to the impressionists like Debussy and Ravel. Charles Ives, for sure. I would relax with a little Chopin now and then. I would indulge in Beethoven, especially symphonies 1 through 8 (#9? Nahhh), and some other classic big-time symphonies. Maybe a little Mozart now and then.
But I would also delve into some of the the more adventuresome works like Holst's Planets, and get into some of the more challenging stuff like Bartok, Schönberg, Shostakovic, and Janáček.
But I would also delve into some of the the more adventuresome works like Holst's Planets, and get into some of the more challenging stuff like Bartok, Schönberg, Shostakovic, and Janáček.
OK, you just been abducted. One whole year! What will it be?
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
I used to like the Brandenburg concertos but kind of tired of them. Still, how can one knock Bach, right?!
Here's a photo of the oldest organ found to date, Greek, 1st century B.C.
Stallone: I'll be Mozart.
Van Damme: I'll be Beethoven.
Schwarzenegger: __________.
Pachelbel’s Canon - Johan Pachelbel
Symphony No. 5 in C Minor - Beethoven
The Planets, Op 32, The Bringer of War - Gustav Holtz
Symphony No. 40 in G Minor - Mozart
The Valkyrie: Ride of the Valkyries - Richard Wagner
Coriolan Overture, Op. 62 - Beethoven
Flight of the Bumblebee - Ida Cernecka
La stravaganza - Vivaldi
The Four Seasons - Vivaldi
Dance of the Goblins - Bazzini
Francesca de Ramini - Tchaikovsky
I like the heavier, darker classical music. Cranked up that stuff is like metal… just intense. Love it. Great thread idea blux!
I was going to listen to The Planets this evening but got busy so saving it for tomorrow's all day rainy day.
Yes, for sure, and Bumblebee is fun to listen to.
We have some similar favs, although some of the stuff you like I’m unfamiliar with. Will have to check them out!
After that, I'll take the probe.
Perhaps some Tchaikovsky to sooth me as I cry in the corner during recovery time. 😅
"rock block of Bach" Haha! Love it!
One thing I have that I like and might be helpful is this reference. It's not helpful for choosing a vinyl source for the music, but it does have a lot of helpful info about many of the versions of a ton of classical music- the conductor, the orchestra, the way it was recorded, etc.:
Yeah, I like them a lot as well. I'm not sure why in some circle they get a bad rap. I've enjoyed many of them for a long time.
Maybe it's the seams. Those European DG pressings can give you some good practice re-gluing the sleeve seams, haha! At least they split such that they can be re-glued!
Those rascals, lol!
Interesting! Yeah, I remember cartoons that used music in very cool ways.
Although not classical music (so a bit off topic), I remember a cartoon that I saw just the one time when I was fairly young- maybe 5 or 6 or 7- that had this crazy family running around the house and they were all singing this song that I thought was cool. I still remember the melody and these few lines from the song:
As for your cartoon you are looking for, a word might be off. I wish I had more to go off of cause I would find it!.