ISO: Commemorative GA Ticket for Hamilton Show

Bought the commemorative ticket through TM for the Hamilton show but it still hasn't arrived yet. Not convinced it ever will.  Anyone have an extra TC commemorative GA ticket for the Hamilton show they are looking to sell/trade?


  • ST66483ST66483 Posts: 821
    I have a non-GA Hamilton I can send you if you want. Pm your address and I can pop it in the mail if you’re interested.
  • MB58788MB58788 Posts: 187
    ST66483 said:
    I have a non-GA Hamilton I can send you if you want. Pm your address and I can pop it in the mail if you’re interested.
    Thank you for the offer!  I am holding out for a GA ticket to go with my wristband but I will take you up on your offer if that doesn't come through.
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