a pumpkins with a fabtone and a pod

this is mostly for novawind since we're seeking pumpkins tones.
this is the best i can do with what i have. too much high end still.
jaguar -> POG (slight octave down) -> fabtone -> POD x3 (clean fender twin model) -> verbzilla (plate reverb)
edit: one with the russian muff without the POG and reverb. some post EQ on the POD and the pickups in series and the bass cut engaged on the jag.
this is the best i can do with what i have. too much high end still.
jaguar -> POG (slight octave down) -> fabtone -> POD x3 (clean fender twin model) -> verbzilla (plate reverb)
edit: one with the russian muff without the POG and reverb. some post EQ on the POD and the pickups in series and the bass cut engaged on the jag.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Me, I use my Strat with the Hot Rails bridge pu thru my Sovtek Big Muff into my Mig 50 (the Lead one, probably) and the Marshall 4x10.
Unfortunately, my ProTools stuff is elsewhere, so I can't give you a soundclip...
I don't have a big clean amp and a closed 4x12 in real life so I can't do it with real air either. I'll try again tomorrow with the muff in place of the dano.
the story. it was catherine, not sonic youth.
edit: tried it with the muff but the low end is too loose and thus you lose the definition in the upper registers. (i.e. the octave riffs sound way too garbled).
Personally, I always thought Harmonic Design S-90's would sound great in a Jaguar, although I'm not sure how much monkeying around you'd have to do to make them fit right. I do know that the Hot for Jazzmaster pickups really improved the tone of my buddy's Jazz, so I'd imagine the Hot for Jaguar would work out really well.
As for the Muff tone... it's classic Muff syndrome. It's a buzzsaw in a box, and it always was. No definition, chords are a lost cause, and it's the single least versatile gain pedal on the market. I still love mine.
i think the fabtone ends up working quite well for this. i could easily EQ the top end out to get closer still. it's funny. i haven't used a fabtone in like 10 years. i guess because i don't really create this type of music ever.
circa 1992 Siamese Dream than Billy Corgan did (Jeff's credits include bands like
Smashing Pumpkins, Matchbox Twenty, Jerry Cantrell, Corrosion Of Conformity).
Here's his discography: http://homepage.mac.com/jefftomei/PhotoAlbum1.html
Not that this has a lot to do with getting a Pumkins sound with pedals, but Jeff
is really one of the only guys who truly knows what they used in the studio to
get their sounds since he's the one that did it for them - so maybe drop him a
line and ask him if you really want to know (he's even got a myspace).
<b><font color="red">CONTACT ME HERE</font>: www.myspace.com/ianvomsaal</b>
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