FS: Face value OKC Pit pair, if you get me merch.

If anyone would be willing to get me a poster, XL event shirt, and a sticker at the outdoor merch booth tomorrow, I'd be happy to sell you my pit pair at face value. 
You'd have to get there early. Other shows, if you weren't in line by 10a, some items were sold out already. I'd then meet you in the afternoon to grab the merch and download the tickets to your wallet. Thanks!


  • I can't do the merch run for you (driving in but arrive at 12pm) but if you end up having an extra GA I'd give you face plus beer money for a single GA.
  • SHZASHZA St. Louis, MO USA Posts: 4,147
    If anyone would be willing to get me a poster, XL event shirt, and a sticker at the outdoor merch booth tomorrow, I'd be happy to sell you my pit pair at face value. 
    You'd have to get there early. Other shows, if you weren't in line by 10a, some items were sold out already. I'd then meet you in the afternoon to grab the merch and download the tickets to your wallet. Thanks!
    PM incoming
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