initial thoughts on line6 mm-4 modulation modeller

bad, very very bad.
i've got itA/B'ed with a voodoo lab microvibe, a boss ch-1 chorus and a mxr phase 100. these are the three effects i am primarily interested in. i own the microvibe, the others are on trial.
phase: noisy. breaks through my noise gate when the strings are muted. not a good thing. the MXR is silent in comparison. dialed in the sound i love on the mxr in about a minute. can't find that same sound in any of the phase models in the line6. the line6 has a wider range of adjustment but i can't find what i'm looking for. WINNER: mxr phase 100.
chorus: better than the phase. it's quiet. but again, when i can dial in what i'm looking for on the boss in a short time, i'll spent way longer trying to find it on the line6. WINNER: boss ch-1
univibe: my microvibe is a clone of an old univibe. when i bought it i compared it against a fulltone deja vibe and preferred the microvibe. it's dark but after fiddling with the trim, it's improved. the line6 univibe model is awful. i've never heard a vintage univibe but i hope they don't sound like this. it's terrible all the way through the range of adjustments. i hate it. WINNER: microvibe.
the rest of the line6 effects:
-tremolos: seem good but it's hard to fuck up tremolo. now, i have tremolo in my POD and my deluxe so i don't care about it here.
-flanges: seem ok but i hate flanging with a passion anyway so who am i to judge
-rotaries: i need more time to evaluate but a quick try of an extreme setting on the mxr yielding a sound i was happy with for a rotary sim.
-panning: who cares
-ring modulator: pretty cool but totally useless for my style. nifty none the less.
so, initially, i think i'm going to pass on the line6. i love my POD and i love my DL4 but this things not doing it for me. just the fact that i found perfect sounds on the others in seconds and can't recreate them on the line6 is bothersome. and it's noisy. too noisy for a digital pedal.
but the trial lasts a week so we'll see.
i've got itA/B'ed with a voodoo lab microvibe, a boss ch-1 chorus and a mxr phase 100. these are the three effects i am primarily interested in. i own the microvibe, the others are on trial.
phase: noisy. breaks through my noise gate when the strings are muted. not a good thing. the MXR is silent in comparison. dialed in the sound i love on the mxr in about a minute. can't find that same sound in any of the phase models in the line6. the line6 has a wider range of adjustment but i can't find what i'm looking for. WINNER: mxr phase 100.
chorus: better than the phase. it's quiet. but again, when i can dial in what i'm looking for on the boss in a short time, i'll spent way longer trying to find it on the line6. WINNER: boss ch-1
univibe: my microvibe is a clone of an old univibe. when i bought it i compared it against a fulltone deja vibe and preferred the microvibe. it's dark but after fiddling with the trim, it's improved. the line6 univibe model is awful. i've never heard a vintage univibe but i hope they don't sound like this. it's terrible all the way through the range of adjustments. i hate it. WINNER: microvibe.
the rest of the line6 effects:
-tremolos: seem good but it's hard to fuck up tremolo. now, i have tremolo in my POD and my deluxe so i don't care about it here.
-flanges: seem ok but i hate flanging with a passion anyway so who am i to judge
-rotaries: i need more time to evaluate but a quick try of an extreme setting on the mxr yielding a sound i was happy with for a rotary sim.
-panning: who cares
-ring modulator: pretty cool but totally useless for my style. nifty none the less.
so, initially, i think i'm going to pass on the line6. i love my POD and i love my DL4 but this things not doing it for me. just the fact that i found perfect sounds on the others in seconds and can't recreate them on the line6 is bothersome. and it's noisy. too noisy for a digital pedal.
but the trial lasts a week so we'll see.
Post edited by Unknown User on
gear i have strapped on now is my gibson wide body with a Lee Oskar harmonica... key of C. fun times.
I heard Zachary Vex was pissed at them using one of his effects names for one of those -4 pedals and how it didn't sound anywhere close to his. I think he calls them Lying 6
oh and thanks for the review
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
i write 90% of my stuff alone with an acoustic. but i get great enjoyment creating layers of sound over top of that acoustic during my recording.
we're all just doing what we love.
They don't sound like the originals neither do the amp models, what they do is get close enough to satisfy lots of people, us tone junkies will probably never be satisfied with digital effects untill they learn how to copy analog sound. Basically the line 6 is a cool idea but it's not perfect and the models don't sound close to what they say they do, we are questing for the tone of old, bad soldier joints and opsilators and all we like warm analog sound on our guitars at least. Class A is still state of the art in my world of tone especially living in an Apartment complex, I'd never get past 1 with a Marshall Stack or a Triple Rec.
What line 6 has done is taken the clothes of the effects and the skin and left out the soul. What we want is the soul damn the clothes.
Personally I think they got the new Dunlop Univibe about right those sound like ass too. Its the originals we want and the cheapest copy for the money is the Voodoo lab.
so that eliminates the MM-4 for me.
i wanted to try a voodoo analog chorus too last night but they're $285 (compared to $125 for the CH-1) and that's just too much coin right now.
All the amps I have smell like old radios when I turn them on, all the effects I have are old, work and sound erratic, when they're crackling, I think,, pieces of shit!,,,,
But when it all comes together, and all the sparks are aiming in the right direction, and the tubes are glowing, I think,,,,,,,,,,,"They don't build'm like this anymore!!!!"
You could probably find an original CE-1 for not too much more than that.
The Voodoo Lab is going to be the one to get but I'd go for Ebay.
then again Keeley has a speed control mod he does you might check him out too. Slower and faster to a CH-1 I think