Bands Chef / Juicing?

Kind of a random question but I am curious to know - does the band have a chef that juices for them on the road?

I mean it would not be easy to make your own picklerita everyday… 😝

As we are all getting older I have found this to be incredible for energy & longevity.  dMb has a fresh juice made for them prior to each show and most likely first thing in the morning. They  coat the stomach lining and feed the cells. Then to drink all the wine and coffee your heart desires once cells are coated. 

They are multimillionaires I would assume they would have this nutrition aspect dialed with the best. They are fine tuned instruments!

side note: do they bring a massage practitioner on the road? 


  • Foriginal SinForiginal Sin Posts: 1,770
    edited September 2022
    My question to OP, if you were a multimillionaire would you do all this? Answer is yes. Millionaires/billionaires pay the same for a cup of coffee, a steak at Flemings, a bottle of wine than poor people. Point is besides cars/houses they pay the same for everything the guy making minimum wage does, meaning they have a lot of a cash to burn. I would assume they all spoil themselves.
    Chicago 6/29/98, Alpine Valley(EV) 6/13/99, Alpine Valley 10/08/00, Chicago 10/09/00, Phoenix 10/20/00, Orlando 4/12/03, Tampa 4/13/03, San Diego 6/05/03, Vegas 6/06/03, Phoenix 6/07/03, Chicago 6/18/03, Alpine Valley 6/21/03, Orlando 10/08/04, D.C. 10/11/04, Chicago 5/16/06, Chicago 5/17/06, LA 7/12/08, Chicago 8/23/09, Chicago 8/24/09, LA 10/07/09, San Diego 10/09/09 (Front Row Center, Finally), Phoenix(EV) 11/4/11, Wrigley 7/19/13, Phoenix 11/19/13, Denver 10/22/14, Wrigley 8/20/16, Wrigley 8/22/16
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,785
    I am sure every nutritional desire is completely catered at a 5 star level.  
  • Okay that’s good to know that they hire the very best. Sometimes with catering and the road things can get a little convenient for convenience sake..

    Fresh - cold pressed juice is a game changer.
    I hope they all get massages too. 

    Them being taken care of makes me happy.  Thanks for responding. 
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