Amsterdam refund

tylermooretylermoore St. Joseph, MI Posts: 1,054
I got the email from Wise. Realized you had to set up an account and enter a bunch of info. I had to go to work so I figured I’d do it later. Once I got back to it, Wise said “refund expired”. 
You used to be able to email 10c and get at least some sort of response. I have emailed them 6 times within the last couple weeks and haven’t gotten any response. So if anyone sees this on here and can be helpful, please reach out. 


  • I’m afraid I can’t be helpful but this is just to let you know that I’m in the same position. Although I actually managed to complete the form. I got an email from Ten Club telling me there was an issue and asking to confirm personal details. I replied to that email on 27/07/22. I’ve received no response despite numerous emails I sent since. The way customers are being treated is nothing short of disgraceful.  Even if they replied and said the refund would be several months away I would be happy just to have been acknowledged.  
  • tylermooretylermoore St. Joseph, MI Posts: 1,054
    The 10c management/organization seems to have disappeared over the last few’s a shame. It shouldn’t be this confusing for a refund. I even have the same credit card I used 3 years ago and everything 
  • tylermooretylermoore St. Joseph, MI Posts: 1,054
    Still nothing from 10c. Wise says it’s all on 10c at this point. Has been for weeks. 
  • Still no response? 
    I'm in the same position, and it's very sad that the cannot respond or set an automate to rerun refund process after waiting for so long for the shows.
  • tylermooretylermoore St. Joseph, MI Posts: 1,054
    apalyga said:
    Still no response? 
    I'm in the same position, and it's very sad that the cannot respond or set an automate to rerun refund process after waiting for so long for the shows.
    Yes, finally after weeks of emailing them every single day. Maybe 3-4 days ago 10c asked for my PayPal email and refunded me directly 
  • Ok, thanks! So I'll still spam their email every single day, maybe someday I'll receive my money.
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