ISO: QC GA pair

My partner and I were looking for a new plan after Sac and Vegas were cancelled and we both managed to get time off for Quebec! I’ve been checking TM an embarrassing amount over the last 5 weeks and a few of the GA pairs that I know about dropped a little before I woke up here on the west coast. Actually almost got one, but I was half asleep and didn’t change my billing address country to the US and the wonderful app doesn’t let you go back and fix that mistake. So that was a fun morning.
If anyone ends up needing to sell yours and wouldn’t mind giving me a heads up that would be so amazing. In the meantime I’ll set my alarm a little earlier and hope for the best 😂 either way we can’t wait even if we don’t find GA!
If anyone ends up needing to sell yours and wouldn’t mind giving me a heads up that would be so amazing. In the meantime I’ll set my alarm a little earlier and hope for the best 😂 either way we can’t wait even if we don’t find GA!