
sound clips: Seymour Duncan and Keeley

exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
edited December 2003 in Musicians and Gearheads
apologies for the poor playing. 8 am. cold hands.

Guitar: 1996 Fender American Standard Telecaster - maple neck.
Neck Pup: Seymour Duncan Vintage Stack. Coils in series.
Bridge Pup: Seymour Duncan Vintage Stack. DPDT switch for series/parallel coils.

Amp: Line6 POD 2.0 running Deluxe Reverb Model.
Post amp mids cranked.
Slight Reverb.

Recorded direct in stereo to Tascam 788.
Mixed with no EQ or effects

Effects on arpeggios: none.
Effects on runs: Keeley Compressor (sustain and level at 10 o'clock) and Keeley Blues Driver (Level: 11 o'clock, Tone: 10 o'clock, Gain: 12 o'clock, Phat switch: up)

Sample sequence:
Neck only: arpeggios
Neck only: run
Neck and Bridge (parallel): arpeggios
Neck and Bridge (series): arpeggios
Neck and Bridge (parallel): run
Neck and Bridge (series): run
Bridge only (parallel): arpeggios
Bridge only (series): arpeggios
Bridge only (parallel): run
Bridge only (series): run
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