THE END dong request to honor my Mother RIP

Hi, my name is Meital, long time fan of the guys' art, travel whenever I ca to see them or Edd preform, each time, it's an experience that elvates my spirit. This tour, I am traveling to Vienna and both Amsterdam shows with my housband and kids. This time it will be different since I lost my Mother almost 2 years ago, on Sep 2020, after a 3 year battle with pancreatic cancer and literally held her hand up untill her last breath. The song that tore me apart and held it together for me at the same time was THE END. I have little hopes of ever hearing that live but it would be a healing moment for me if I do, and that is why I decided to give it a try and just ask. Maybe the guys can read my request and grant me this moment..
Thank you for the time ou took to read this..