The energy of curiosity and the question, "What would happen?"

An innovative cook wonders
What can I do with these three items?
What would this taste like?
Maybe if I combine these unlikely ingredients?
Would the diners enjoy this?
Would it taste terrible?
A fashion designer dreams:
What would this look like?
Maybe if I use this color and that texture?
Would this be a strong combination?
Would people love or hate it?
Would it turn out as I envision it?
A composer might find a new timbre
What would this sound like here?
What can I do with this?
Should I try it as an ostinato?
Can I combine it with that?
A writer might ponder a situation:
What would happen to these people if...
Would the story go down this road?
Would it end disastrously or happily?
Where could these people take it to?
I think inspiration often comes from curiosity
At least, I think curious people have an advantage when creating
They will often try new things just because they wonder