quieting amp hum

the pro junior is a hummer. literally. noisier than my deluxe. and it ain't the guitars because they're dead silent.
any way of quieting these things down or is it basically a function of cheaper components and a cheap PCB?
any way of quieting these things down or is it basically a function of cheaper components and a cheap PCB?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Bad ground, maybe? Or reversed polarity in the cord. I've seen that before, where it's backwards in the amp.
Is it new?
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
i checked the grounds and everything looks cool as far as that goes.
this thing needs to be made into a head. i just can't do the 1x10" thing. it does that old champ sound decently but that's not what i'm looking for.
i need to find a cheap, beat to shit one and make a head enclosure for it.
I'm sure you could find some ideas on silencing it. check out the links at http://www.projectguitar.com it might help.
The Bastage cab like in the Fargen would be a perfect template. You could try using some sheilding tape but it's likely in the circuit I think, you could try a lower gain El 84 that might help.
these guys would be good to contact. http://torresengineering.com/
If I remember right, you have a Furman?
If you do, try running it off the Furman once, to see if power conditioning helps. Some amps will show dirty power more than others...
If power conditioning won't help, then it's some component that's more prone to noise.
Is the buzz like a 60-Hz ground cycle (hum)? Or static fuzz? Or is it just general noise? Any "pop's"? Does it change between gain stages (like with boost/drive/distortion/compression)?
Quality starts from the ground up. The Plexi 45 has been built on a thick folded Aluminum chassis. Each corner of the Plexi 45's chassis has been welded for added strength and support. Building a guitar amplifier on an Aluminum chassis has several key benefits. The first of these benefits is that Aluminum exhibits a non-magnetic behavior. Power transformers create magnetic fields, and because of its inherent properties the Aluminum chassis will not interact with these fields, thereby reducing 60Hz hum. In addition, Aluminum cannot rust like steel and is many times lighter than steel.
from mojave amp works (Plexi Palace)
it occurs to me this may be the source of the problem. you could change the amp chassis to reduce the noise.
Or a THD Bi-Valve.
Did you try it with a Furman?
both amps run off the same supply. it's an ART PB. it's just a noisier amp i guess. which makes sense since it's a cheap little bastard.
Well, if power conditioning doesn't help, yeah...
Could be the chassis, could be the input, could be the tube sockets... could be a lot of things, or everything at once.
That's what happens when you cut corners.
Maybe it's time to look for a good deal on a Peavey Classic 20...???
naw. it's probably just time for me to cut up my credit cards.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
I fixed it for the most part.
I took it apart the other day, and played around with it.
I'm no amp tech, but I don't know WHO put that thing together! The worst noise was the preamp tube. I replaced one and it was way quieter. I put the bad one in the Boogie, and sure enough, bad tube in a brand new amp!
The other noise was a screw in the frame that was too long. It went right through the frame and was just barely touching a wiring connection. That was causing a buzz, too.
Now it's quieter, but still some noise. It's a pretty decent amp, but I don't know. I don't picture it being the exhausted dream amp! The build is pretty shaky on it if you ask me. I picture little wafts of smoke coming from it after having it on after a while.
I played a bunch of Martone amps. A guy in Philly who hand builds them, and he did a version of this. I don't know where to find him now on the net,, but if you're interested, I'll go in and track him down. He essentially cloned the vintage ones and made them WAY better and sold them for the same, if not less than new ones. He's a well kept secret.
I bought a 1 watt tube amp from him last year,,, even has master volume on it. It rocks!
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart