Ukranian flag photo from May 3 Viejas Arena, San Diego

Hi. The Ukrainian flag on the two big screens following the performance of River Cross last night was very powerful. I was standing, applauding along with the entire arena, and never took a photo of the flag. If anyone did take one facing the stage that shows the flag(s), with Eddie standing after the song, and the two flags in the lighted arena, I'd appreciate a copy that I'd like to post as a sign of Pearl Jam's solidarity with and support for the people of Ukraine. If you have a good shot and reply to me I'll give you my email address or phone number to send it to. Thanks heaps. (powerful show last night...very moving, great energy, and as a resident of San Diego Eddie's reminiscing about his years here brought out the smiles and love. Great seeing his Mum at the show, amongst other relatives and friends of his and the band's)