QUICK - What's PJ's all-time greatest line/lyric?



  • deadnotedeadnote Posts: 1,678
    in someones elses sky or fifty million hands upraised
    set your laughter free

    dreamer in my dream

    we got the guns

    i love you,but im..............callin out.........callin out
  • So many, hard to choose.

    "Don't need a hand, there's always arms attached"
  • my sig is a great PJ lyric

    or "Now i cant see... i just stare....."
    I admit it...what's to say......
    I'll relive it...without pain......
    Backstreet lover on the side of the road
    I got a bomb in my temple that is gonna explode
    I got a sixteen gauge buried under my clothes, I play...
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