Ticket problems
I can't seem to get past the "In order to verify you, please log in to Ten Club below. Once logged in, you will be redirected back to this page" and when I click on Go to Ten Club it just blinks and I get nothing - Anyone else having this issue? Could it be remotely related to the fact that I was able to purchase 2 consecutive nights in LA for 2020 and now that option is no longer available? I want to purchase tickets for another date added in an entirely different city. Help?
Make sure you are logged in to 10c, have the browser remember your login. Then go to the appropriate ticketstoday link (US. Canada, or French)
And time is running out
Also, here is the direct link to that selection page https://tenclub-us.shop.ticketstoday.com/Splash.aspx
Make sure you're logged in to your 10c account, then try that link.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."