One more question. This poster does NOT have the Frank story by Munk One one the back. Is this common or even legit?
Ones sold on Ten Club, and I assume at the show, had the story printed on the back, as far as I know but maybe the one you saw is a test print? I would do some research, could be a boot.
Thx Philip. I did not consider the test print possibility. This might be the case. Included in the sale is an uncut double print of the Ames for that show.
Still digging, But leaning towards a pass for now. Appreciate the reply's all.
Ask for close ups of the ink on the print. If it's screened you can see the layers of paint used. If it's a boot it should be flat and no raises on the ink.
Or just buy it and never get it officially checked out. Live in ignorance and let your kids deal with it when you die.
Best answer yet, lol! You'll see this poster on an episode of Antiques Roadshow and the poster/print guy w the Handlebar moustache will be in a wheelchair appraising it.
May be able to get it for less outside of eBay too.
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