Help!! What pedal?

If this has been addressed before then I wasn't in the room. What kind of pedal is it that Mike started using on the 2000 tour? You know, the spacy, flange/delay type deal that he used A LOT. Anyone know? I love this effect and I've never been able to find out exactly how to get it. Help me!!!
"The children have to save themselves these days because the parents don't have a clue"-Donnie Darko
"We were done, done, done with all the fuck, fuck, fuckin around"-Modest Mouse
"We were done, done, done with all the fuck, fuck, fuckin around"-Modest Mouse
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this tour he still has those two pedals but was also playing with a line6 delay modeller and i believe a line6 filter modeller as well.
that's where the flange comes from, also the rotosphere was added but the thickness comes from the Boss Dm-4 analog delay.
The swooshing the phase 90 or phase 90 model from the MM-4
he's pulled the phase 90 in some pictures. the DM-3 is still there but there is a line6 DL-4 and a line6 MM-4.
and the rotosphere.
and the tubescreamer.
and the wah.
and something i can't ID.
Oh yeah and there's the whole talent thing..
mm-4 vs. ch-1, microvibe and phase 100.
Curiouser and Curiouser
i have a line on a CH-1 but i want to try one in the whole rig. nice thing about my dealer, i can take whatever i want.
i'm leaning towards the individual stomps too. the harmony-central reviews are swaying me. despite how much i love my DL-4.
i need to build a new pedalboard. i need to find the loop carpeting though and i never can.