I just need someone to be there for... I just want someone to be there for, someone to be there for me
When you started looking for a cat, you wanted an older cat that was a trained inside cat. I thought you should just go to a shelter already and pick one out, but you waited. And along came Maroosha. The ideal cat and situation, just like you wanted. Maybe your specifications are always worth the wait. Maybe you know what you are doing.
You know me to well. We need to stop with the late night skype sessions reading passages of Capote to eachother.
In Cold Blood with a thick Swedish accent. YOU HAVEN'T READ IN COLD BLOOD BEFORE YOU'VE HEARD IT THAT WAY.
You know me too well. I've always wanted a man with a thick Swedish accent to read to me.
I just need someone to be there for... I just want someone to be there for, someone to be there for me
When you started looking for a cat, you wanted an older cat that was a trained inside cat. I thought you should just go to a shelter already and pick one out, but you waited. And along came Maroosha. The ideal cat and situation, just like you wanted. Maybe your specifications are always worth the wait. Maybe you know what you are doing.
You know me to well. We need to stop with the late night skype sessions reading passages of Capote to eachother.
In Cold Blood with a thick Swedish accent. YOU HAVEN'T READ IN COLD BLOOD BEFORE YOU'VE HEARD IT THAT WAY.
You know me too well. I've always wanted a man with a thick Swedish accent to read to me.
Too bad Kevin Spacey Gifs is yuck to use nowadays
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
I don't do resolutions but I did set a goal to read all 14 Vonnegut novels this year. I haven't been much of a reader for the past 15 or so years, so it's going to be a challenge. Started Cat's Cradle today.
That the science denying covidiots smarten up. The world really starts looking at things collectively..... Just because it doesn't effect you shouldn't mean it doesn't matter to you. Be safe everyone.
Personal goals/hopes: 1. Have a child/children. It's going to be via IVF or adoption. Either way my wife and I can use all the positive thoughts you can muster for that. 2. Get back into shape. I want to get back to my weightlifting numbers pre-Covid and drop about 30 pounds. 3. Be happy with my job. Whether it's finding a new one or redefining my current position, something has to change. I'm very happy with my life outside of work, but very unhappy with my job. Luckily, I am good at leaving work stuff at the office and not affect the rest of my life.
Personal goals/hopes: 1. Have a child/children. It's going to be via IVF or adoption. Either way my wife and I can use all the positive thoughts you can muster for that. 2. Get back into shape. I want to get back to my weightlifting numbers pre-Covid and drop about 30 pounds. 3. Be happy with my job. Whether it's finding a new one or redefining my current position, something has to change. I'm very happy with my life outside of work, but very unhappy with my job. Luckily, I am good at leaving work stuff at the office and not affect the rest of my life.
Best of luck to you and your wife. We're in the thick of it ourselves, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just need to vent. It's a tricky process, but you just need to lean on each other.
Personal goals/hopes: 1. Have a child/children. It's going to be via IVF or adoption. Either way my wife and I can use all the positive thoughts you can muster for that. 2. Get back into shape. I want to get back to my weightlifting numbers pre-Covid and drop about 30 pounds. 3. Be happy with my job. Whether it's finding a new one or redefining my current position, something has to change. I'm very happy with my life outside of work, but very unhappy with my job. Luckily, I am good at leaving work stuff at the office and not affect the rest of my life.
Best of luck to you and your wife. We're in the thick of it ourselves, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just need to vent. It's a tricky process, but you just need to lean on each other.
We all know 2020 and 2021 were rough years and we also know the future can seem rather bleak at times. But as my dear wife regularly and often reminds me, it's also good to be positive in one's thinking. In that spirit, let's list some hopes and goals that are realistic and feasible for 2022.
Here's my general hopes for 2022:
-That the pandemic will loosing it's grip a bit and more people will take greater precautions. -The good rain and snow totals here in the west will continue. -Some of my favorite bands will release killer albums.
Personal hopes: -I will find something better to do with my life since becoming mostly unemployed having left work when pandemic hit. -Buy that amp I've been looking for, get the old red humbucker strat off the wall and play it again!
-Get back to doing yoga (ugh, sounds more like a New Years resolution, lol!)
Happy New Year, Brian!
Get that amp! Just do it. Steal the m-fer if you have to!
And I'm with you on the yoga. I did yoga every Saturday for a few years around 2012 and I always felt amazing. Gotta get back to it.
How about some more Brian Lux writing?! I dig your style and the world could use it too.
As for me -- I'm just still trying to cut back on work hours. Its in the cards, so we'll see in about three months. If I can cut back my hours, that means a lot more time with the family, more music, more writing...
That the next wave of covid is even milder than omicron and we can enter endemic phase and be done with boosters and masks and cancellations and supply chain issues.
Scio me nihil scire
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,770
We all know 2020 and 2021 were rough years and we also know the future can seem rather bleak at times. But as my dear wife regularly and often reminds me, it's also good to be positive in one's thinking. In that spirit, let's list some hopes and goals that are realistic and feasible for 2022.
Here's my general hopes for 2022:
-That the pandemic will loosing it's grip a bit and more people will take greater precautions. -The good rain and snow totals here in the west will continue. -Some of my favorite bands will release killer albums.
Personal hopes: -I will find something better to do with my life since becoming mostly unemployed having left work when pandemic hit. -Buy that amp I've been looking for, get the old red humbucker strat off the wall and play it again!
-Get back to doing yoga (ugh, sounds more like a New Years resolution, lol!)
Happy New Year, Brian!
Get that amp! Just do it. Steal the m-fer if you have to!
And I'm with you on the yoga. I did yoga every Saturday for a few years around 2012 and I always felt amazing. Gotta get back to it.
How about some more Brian Lux writing?! I dig your style and the world could use it too.
As for me -- I'm just still trying to cut back on work hours. Its in the cards, so we'll see in about three months. If I can cut back my hours, that means a lot more time with the family, more music, more writing...
Well hey, hey,if it isn't my good buddy JonnyPistachio!
To reverse an old saying, "Your command is my wish." I'm down to choosing between the Supro 10 or the Supro 12. Probably the 10 since it would likely fit both in terms of size and sound for my small den space. Thanks for encouragement!
Haha, I laughed at myself this morning as I woke up with the same old achy lower back. "What was that about doing yoga?" I said to myself. Thanks for the reminder. Getting back to it today!
Writing, yes. I actually thought about doing a second edition of my music memoir but then realized, no, I already admitted that my interests in music will always evolve and change while I'm still around. I'm thinking instead of compiling an ongoing collection of some of my observations and vignettes (word count currently at approximately 22,000) into some form or other. I also have a collection of drawings and cartoons I want to put together. Time to get rolling on those projects!
More time with family is always a good thing And how about you my most excellent writer friend? Any written works in the making?
Hey, fellow forum folks, we have a fine writer here in our midst! Checking out JonnyPistachio's work here:
We all know 2020 and 2021 were rough years and we also know the future can seem rather bleak at times. But as my dear wife regularly and often reminds me, it's also good to be positive in one's thinking. In that spirit, let's list some hopes and goals that are realistic and feasible for 2022.
Here's my general hopes for 2022:
-That the pandemic will loosing it's grip a bit and more people will take greater precautions. -The good rain and snow totals here in the west will continue. -Some of my favorite bands will release killer albums.
Personal hopes: -I will find something better to do with my life since becoming mostly unemployed having left work when pandemic hit. -Buy that amp I've been looking for, get the old red humbucker strat off the wall and play it again!
-Get back to doing yoga (ugh, sounds more like a New Years resolution, lol!)
Happy New Year, Brian!
Get that amp! Just do it. Steal the m-fer if you have to!
And I'm with you on the yoga. I did yoga every Saturday for a few years around 2012 and I always felt amazing. Gotta get back to it.
How about some more Brian Lux writing?! I dig your style and the world could use it too.
As for me -- I'm just still trying to cut back on work hours. Its in the cards, so we'll see in about three months. If I can cut back my hours, that means a lot more time with the family, more music, more writing...
Well hey, hey,if it isn't my good buddy JonnyPistachio!
To reverse an old saying, "Your command is my wish." I'm down to choosing between the Supro 10 or the Supro 12. Probably the 10 since it would likely fit both in terms of size and sound for my small den space. Thanks for encouragement!
Haha, I laughed at myself this morning as I woke up with the same old achy lower back. "What was that about doing yoga?" I said to myself. Thanks for the reminder. Getting back to it today!
Writing, yes. I actually thought about doing a second edition of my music memoir but then realized, no, I already admitted that my interests in music will always evolve and change while I'm still around. I'm thinking instead of compiling an ongoing collection of some of my observations and vignettes (word count currently at approximately 22,000) into some form or other. I also have a collection of drawings and cartoons I want to put together. Time to get rolling on those projects!
More time with family is always a good thing And how about you my most excellent writer friend? Any written works in the making?
Hey, fellow forum folks, we have a fine writer here in our midst! Checking out JonnyPistachio's work here:
I like the writing ideas you have going! and I love love love the idea of seeing your drawing/cartoons! what a cool surprise.. I dint know you had a drawing talent.
Thanks for the shout out, Brian. And yes, I'm putting the finishing touches on my current novel. I think I'm most proud of this one...But it usually sounds like any artist says that about their current work. But not me. My sophomore book was not a proud moment haha... This one is all out fun. Its a shorter novel, so I'm hoping the editing phase speeds along. I have one more chapter to write, then editing and artwork.
Good to catch up with you guys here on PJ! Hopefully I'll get back here more often.
1. Have a child/children. It's going to be via IVF or adoption. Either way my wife and I can use all the positive thoughts you can muster for that.
2. Get back into shape. I want to get back to my weightlifting numbers pre-Covid and drop about 30 pounds.
3. Be happy with my job. Whether it's finding a new one or redefining my current position, something has to change. I'm very happy with my life outside of work, but very unhappy with my job. Luckily, I am good at leaving work stuff at the office and not affect the rest of my life.
Also, world peace.
Get that amp! Just do it. Steal the m-fer if you have to!
And I'm with you on the yoga. I did yoga every Saturday for a few years around 2012 and I always felt amazing. Gotta get back to it.
How about some more Brian Lux writing?! I dig your style and the world could use it too.
As for me -- I'm just still trying to cut back on work hours. Its in the cards, so we'll see in about three months. If I can cut back my hours, that means a lot more time with the family, more music, more writing...
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
And how about you my most excellent writer friend? Any written works in the making?
I like the writing ideas you have going! and I love love love the idea of seeing your drawing/cartoons! what a cool surprise.. I dint know you had a drawing talent.
Thanks for the shout out, Brian. And yes, I'm putting the finishing touches on my current novel. I think I'm most proud of this one...But it usually sounds like any artist says that about their current work. But not me. My sophomore book was not a proud moment haha... This one is all out fun. Its a shorter novel, so I'm hoping the editing phase speeds along. I have one more chapter to write, then editing and artwork.
Good to catch up with you guys here on PJ! Hopefully I'll get back here more often.