R.I.P. the amazing artist, Wayne Thiebaud

Very sad to hear about the passing of magnification artist, Wayne Thiebaud. He lived a good long life- 101 years old.
I was introduced to his work by a close family member who took classes from him at U.C. Davis. His body of work is amazing.
I remember the first time I saw one of his San Francisco cityscapes in the Crocker Museum in Sacramento. I wasn't looking for it- it just appeared before me as I turned a corner in a room. The effect stunned me because I immediately recognized it from books and suddenly seeing it literally brought tears to my eyes.
R.I.P Wayne Thiebaud.

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man [or woman] who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
Variously credited to Mark Twain or Edward Abbey.

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