Halloween...So much fun yesterday!

The kids started ringing the doorbell shortly after noon, and they didn't stop coming to our door until the sun went down. It was such a good feeling to see groups of 15-25 kids and parents walking the neighborhood, with the most adorable costumes and smiles on their faces. It really hit me and made me realize just how sad these poor kids lives have been the last 18 months or so, due to covid. No school, not interacting with their friends, not being able to do what kids do.                                                                                                                               
Anyway, I had just got off a 14 hour work shift and at noon I was basically on 1 hour of sleep. So as the ghosts and goblins started ringing the doorbell, I was sleep deprived and delirious. Hahahaha 

Kathy and i started with 5 bags of candy and by 2pm we knew one of us had to go make a candy run to the nearest Walgreens. As the kids came up the stairs I would toss snickers bars to the parents waiting on the sidewalk. The parents were cracking up. I tossed one milky way bar to a father who was already at the next house. He caught it(perfect throw I must say), and was just cracking up! His wife looked at me and said, "you are having way too much fun". 

We would get groups of 5 or 6 kids with an adult. We would get the single child with a mom or dad. We would get groups of 15-25. It was fantastic. Everyone smiling, everyone having fun. The children looking absolutely adorable. I just couldn't get enough.

At one point our local police department, which is a half block from my house, had a squad car come down our street and they put the siren on. Then they parked, got out of the car, and started handing out candy. How cool is that!

So, we went through about 10 bags of candy, my wife ate about 235 kit kats, 145 reeses, and I had a few mounds bars myself. 
All in all, it was a FANTASTIC DAY! 
Take me piece by piece.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....


  • cp3iversoncp3iverson Posts: 8,702
    edited November 2021
    All day trick or treating sounds like a dream come true for all kids on earth!   That’s awesome.  Ours is always 6-8pm
  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
    That is great, glad you had that turnout.  Our little guy was very excited to come back with a basket of loot and while we didn't have many kids stop by in our neighborhood (mostly older folks) some of the surrounding hoods where my wife and son went had a lot of activity and everyone seemed to have fun.
    We have leftover candy, which means a shitton goes in the freezer for Saturday night snacking for me. 
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • All day trick or treating sounds like a dream come true for all kids on earth!   That’s awesome.  Ours is always 6-8pm
    It was perfect here in the Chicagoland area. Beautiful sunny day, guessing about 55 degrees. We had a family of 5 come to the door, with the father holding the 2-3 year old daughter in his hands. She had the most adorable little pumpkin outfit on. She reached in to the candy bowl, and the father said "just one". I'm pretty sure he really didn't need to worry because her little hand could only hold just one. As she took her kit kat bar, I reached in to the bowl and threw about 10 pieces of candy in to her little goodie bag. She smiled, and the dad just started cracking up and said "thank you".  
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,401
    We had exactly 3 kids show up, which was 3 more than last year.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • That is great, glad you had that turnout.  Our little guy was very excited to come back with a basket of loot and while we didn't have many kids stop by in our neighborhood (mostly older folks) some of the surrounding hoods where my wife and son went had a lot of activity and everyone seemed to have fun.
    We have leftover candy, which means a shitton goes in the freezer for Saturday night snacking for me. 

    My wife took all the kit kats and reeses and threw them in the freezer. Actually, from the beginning of the day, i was told to save those for last, as she obviously had no intention of giving those away. Hahahahahaha
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • Poncier said:
    We had exactly 3 kids show up, which was 3 more than last year.
    Yeah, thats a shame. Friends of mine live in neighborhoods where it was the same situation. I have a couple friends that got zero. 
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
    That is great, glad you had that turnout.  Our little guy was very excited to come back with a basket of loot and while we didn't have many kids stop by in our neighborhood (mostly older folks) some of the surrounding hoods where my wife and son went had a lot of activity and everyone seemed to have fun.
    We have leftover candy, which means a shitton goes in the freezer for Saturday night snacking for me. 

    My wife took all the kit kats and reeses and threw them in the freezer. Actually, from the beginning of the day, i was told to save those for last, as she obviously had no intention of giving those away. Hahahahahaha

    Understandable - that is a smart woman!
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • That is great, glad you had that turnout.  Our little guy was very excited to come back with a basket of loot and while we didn't have many kids stop by in our neighborhood (mostly older folks) some of the surrounding hoods where my wife and son went had a lot of activity and everyone seemed to have fun.
    We have leftover candy, which means a shitton goes in the freezer for Saturday night snacking for me. 

    My wife took all the kit kats and reeses and threw them in the freezer. Actually, from the beginning of the day, i was told to save those for last, as she obviously had no intention of giving those away. Hahahahahaha

    Understandable - that is a smart woman!
    She woke up this morning complaining of a sore stomach. hahahahahaha

    I myself had forgotten just how delicious mounds bars are. But since I am now at that age and point in my life where I have to watch my blood sugar levels, I only had 2 of the little mini mounds bars. But damn those are good! 

    Today any and all leftovers, that my wife hasn't hoarded, are going with me to work. I am sure the truck drivers will devour them all in 30 seconds. 
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,518
    My 13 year old went out and had a blast.  Exactly 0 kids came to our door, which I will never understand because it is a townhome community and you could hit 25 homes in about 30 minutes.
  • Get_Right said:
    My 13 year old went out and had a blast.  Exactly 0 kids came to our door, which I will never understand because it is a townhome community and you could hit 25 homes in about 30 minutes.
    What was the costume of choice?
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,518
    zombie madonna - barley a costume, she just wanted CANDY :)

  • Get_Right said:
    zombie madonna - barley a costume, she just wanted CANDY :)

    zombie madonna.....Nice

    The best costume I saw, was a dog on a leash, who was outfitted with a body size hot dog bun. The dog looked to be having fun. 
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
    Get_Right said:
    zombie madonna - barley a costume, she just wanted CANDY :)

    zombie madonna.....Nice

    The best costume I saw, was a dog on a leash, who was outfitted with a body size hot dog bun. The dog looked to be having fun. 

    My wife took a picture of one of our kid's classmate's family.  Dad was Shaggy, mom was Velma, son was Scoob, and daughter was Daphne. 

    I like it when the whole family gets into it.
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • Get_Right said:
    zombie madonna - barley a costume, she just wanted CANDY :)

    zombie madonna.....Nice

    The best costume I saw, was a dog on a leash, who was outfitted with a body size hot dog bun. The dog looked to be having fun. 

    My wife took a picture of one of our kid's classmate's family.  Dad was Shaggy, mom was Velma, son was Scoob, and daughter was Daphne. 

    I like it when the whole family gets into it.
    And for me, that's what made yesterday so damned special. It was just groups of family and friends. Everyone was in to it, and everyone had a smile on their face. 
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,954
    Yeah, we had a great day.  The park a block away in South Philly did a big thing for the kids.  Magician (very very bad, but the kids enjoyed it), parade around the park followed by a couple streets shut down for trick or treating. Kids loved it.  Beers in the park on a beautiful day while the kids had fun.  Then came back to our place with some friends and their family's to give out candy, eat some pulled pork...and some more beers.

    The 3 year old was Ariel and I was her Prince Eric. Solid job if I say so myself.

    Great day. She had a blast with friends. Got to see a lot of people.  Beautiful day.  Can't beat it.
  • Yeah, we had a great day.  The park a block away in South Philly did a big thing for the kids.  Magician (very very bad, but the kids enjoyed it), parade around the park followed by a couple streets shut down for trick or treating. Kids loved it.  Beers in the park on a beautiful day while the kids had fun.  Then came back to our place with some friends and their family's to give out candy, eat some pulled pork...and some more beers.

    The 3 year old was Ariel and I was her Prince Eric. Solid job if I say so myself.

    Great day. She had a blast with friends. Got to see a lot of people.  Beautiful day.  Can't beat it.
    Right on!!

    My good friend always has a nice neighborhood thing going where he lives. He had his big screen tv set up out front, he had the fire pit going, and all the neighbors come hang by his house. I am positive there were plenty of adult beverages going around. 
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • dankinddankind Posts: 20,839
    edited November 2021
    Handing out candy to the neighborhood kids used to be one of my favorite things to do, but I just wasn't feeling it yesterday.

    So I left a bigass bowl of candy out on the stairs, but the dumbasses kept walking right by it to ring my doorbell anyway. Finally, I just filled a glass with scotch and a bowl with weed and went outside to hand out the fucking candy (and contact highs). It was OK. The weather was nice at least.

    I hope my spirits are a little lighter for it next year. Hell, I was even more into it the year I was recovering from having seven strokes.
  • cp3iversoncp3iverson Posts: 8,702
    edited November 2021
    I thought trick or treat might be dying off until we moved to our neighborhood.  They’re better off just closing off the entrance to the neighborhood here.  

    It’s actually hard to even walk in a normal pace down the street.  Hundreds of people like a festival. Really cool.  Most parents dress up too. 

  • FifthelementFifthelement Lotusland Posts: 6,963
    Halloween is my favourite day.  Unfortunately, the place we moved in to a few years ago doesn’t get any trick or treaters. I used to go all out with decorations, but sadly, gave most of them away last year. I made sure to let the neighbours kids know I had candy so I ended up with five kids this year. I helped one of them carve his pumpkins into BB8 a few days before Halloween.  It inspired me to buy my own pumpkin and carve it in Saturday night.  The pumpkin was freakin huge so I carved four spiders and a face on it.

    "What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Excellent work!
  • Wow thats expert  levels 
    brixton 93
    astoria 06
    albany 06
    hartford 06
    reading 06
    barcelona 06
    paris 06
    wembley 07
    dusseldorf 07
    nijmegen 07

    this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
  • We did a pokemon  called gengar
    brixton 93
    astoria 06
    albany 06
    hartford 06
    reading 06
    barcelona 06
    paris 06
    wembley 07
    dusseldorf 07
    nijmegen 07

    this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
  • JeBurkhardtJeBurkhardt Posts: 5,036
    We had a giant Tupperware bowl completely full of candy and was wiped out in less than an hour.  
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    We got exactly 40 kids this year. 
    Yeah, we count...not really sure why...but we do.

    The kids and the parents def seemed to be in better spirits this year than last.

    How many pieces of candy do you give each kid?
  • JeBurkhardtJeBurkhardt Posts: 5,036
    mca47 said:
    We got exactly 40 kids this year. 
    Yeah, we count...not really sure why...but we do.

    The kids and the parents def seemed to be in better spirits this year than last.

    How many pieces of candy do you give each kid?
    Usually 2 pieces each at first, and then as we get closer to the end of trick or treat hours, we start upping the output per kid to get rid of as much of it as we can. My wife takes any leftover candy to give to her students at school. This year the town next to us had trick or treat on Saturday and we had it on Sunday, so we had kids from both towns at the house. Our candy supply never stood a chance.
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    I usually give out 3-4 per kid.  If the kid is cool, or he has on a creative costume, I'll give more.
  • LoujoeLoujoe Posts: 10,280
    My bud dressed as the pope one year and made a killing. 
  • cp3iversoncp3iverson Posts: 8,702
    edited November 2021
    We make bags with 5 fun size candy bars in them.  We run out a lot faster than other homes (around 25 bags each year) but if you get to our house early on you get one.  Usually means the kids on our street get one.
    The bowl is empty by the first 20 minutes but that’s life :lol:
  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
    Do you get egged?

    (I know....sure that happens rarely, these days.  People are no fun.  Lol)

    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Who used to forgo a costume, get high, and cash in on some of the goods?

    Granted, I was around 14, but what a blast. They handed out fun-sized bars and bags then…none of that mini nonsense. 
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